求歌词:许嵩 你若成风 英文版lrc歌词文件 要的是lrc文件

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  If you are into the wind I turned into a rain guard around you if you smile for the roots into the wind I love the rain turned into a watery past locked in between the eyebrows floating fleeting vae: nice my little nice you look so cute chasing each of your boys I have super powerful considering how shy I say hi go to how to do this how do I not love sweet and sour large house if there is no boss to send you rose Could you give me chance so do not want to see a little bit of time with the old man flies wig nonsense lotus feet I do not think you just want to jump miniskirt mom take you home to meet Abu: if you are into the wind I turned into a rain guard around you if you smile for the roots into the wind I love the rain turned into a lock Things eyebrows fleeting floating past weekend to find an excuse and a pot of sake you rafting river Youyouwoxin feeling just for you this long period the surface of calm in fact have already surging edge tactic repeated cycle you suomei Oh you about my emotional feelings Although the problem is really hard to get me some confidence in the old man with a wig or I do not want nonsense lotus feet and you just want to jump miniskirt mom take you home to see Abu: if you are into the wind I turned you into a rain guard if you smile around the roots into the wind turned into rain I love the floating lock in fleeting past glabella Things you do not like to stay cool I do not accept brain short-circuit just received your gift, please understand that a little bit of happiness out of your speed Bong I do not dawdle like fat princess uncle have to withstand the pressure really stick to their path to self-subversion ready to pay a little bit retro does not indicate that the first routine the next step on this first hiphop drums to accompany you jump just dance。


求歌词:许嵩 你若成风 英文版lrc歌词文件 要的是lrc文件 期待您的回复!


