苏珊娜薇格Suzanne Vega(转载)

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  苏珊娜薇格Suzanne Vega

  出生时间: 1959 国籍: 美国 新民谣/新女性代表—Suzanne Vega/苏珊娜薇格,她的声音开启了崔西查普曼、夏恩柯文,多莉艾莫丝以至[不服凡]的凡妮莎……那类城市民谣型文艺女青年的音乐世界,她也是独一纵横80-90年代的新女性歌者兼词曲创做者,莎拉麦可劳克兰更因她的启发,在纽泽西马特湾小镇上无心插柳地就揠起了莉莉丝音乐节。 Suzanne Vega可谓继Joan Baez之后更具代表性的美国民谣才女女乐。她令民谣复兴于80年代时髦乐坛,曲到90年代的今天,Suzanne凭籍Fold Ro-ck以及炽热动感的跳舞音乐仍稳座乐坛无足轻重之位。 早在少女时代,Suzanne Vega就接触了诗人歌手Leanard Cohen及早期的Bob Dyl-an知性音乐,起头对Folk Rock产生神驰,并测验考试以一收吉它在纽约城的夜总会自弹自唱,以简洁明快的手法演绎本身的做品。

  年龄稍长,她喜欢读西尔维亚.普拉斯的内向的诗歌,听可罕和迪伦民谣期间的歌曲,并起头在纽约一些俱乐部演唱本身写的歌。跟着维加与唱片公司签约,她很快树立起“80年代琼尼.米切尔”的形象。 维加最诱人的是那些描写现代都会女性的歌,操一把原声吉他,穿一件陈旧皮上拆,冷漠平静的脸色显露出心里的豪情压造、矛盾和空乏。 “别让冷漠的声音和蒙昧的眼神捉弄你”, Jeremy Hellger 在为 New York Review 写 Suzanne Vega 的专辑 “99.9 F” 评论时如是说道,“Suzanne Vega 是一个机极富宽大性的歌手,词曲做家。” Suzanne Vega 被认为是80年代民谣运动复兴的领军人物,那时她经常环抱着木吉它出没于 Greenwich 村的俱乐部,唱着那经由她本身改编的黑人布鲁斯歌曲及现代民谣歌曲。 那位走城市民谣揉应时髦乐元素的女歌手,你在她的歌声中找不到霎时的感情发作和高亢纵容,Vega没有愤怒地表达,只是以她真诚平实的嗓音娓娓道来. 那首歌是苏珊。薇格(Suzanne Vega) 在她常去的街角的一家叫做 Tom’s Restaurant 的咖啡店用早餐时的随写。整首歌其实十分简单,用一般的白话将捕获到的一些生活剪影闪现出来。从薇格走进汤姆的店里等待咖啡起头,许多现代城市独身上班族走进类似咖啡早餐店时都有的寻常经历,如店员与熟识客人的密切号召、窗外对著通明玻璃整理裤袜的密斯、脑里偶尔闪过的过往记忆,都在薇格乾净又有点磁性的清唱嗓音中,被速写成了那一首可能是有史以来被翻唱改编最多的一首小品。喜欢她跟着音乐节拍的悄悄扭捏...和看似随意的哼唱...在那个初夏的夜晚来听,淡淡的迷幻的味道.... 在好音乐面前...我们都是孩子..深深爱了...被爱了.....

  Tom’s Diner

  I am sitting in the morning

  at the diner on the corner

  I am waiting at the counter

  for the man to pour the coffee

  and he fills it only half-way

  and before I even argue

  he is looking out of window

  at somebody coming in

  It is always nice to see you

  says the man behind counnter

  to the woman who has came in

  she is shaking her unbrella

  and I look the other way

  as they are kissing their hellos

  and I am prettending

  not to see them

  and instead I pour milk

  I open up the paper

  there is a story of an actor

  who had dead while he was drinking

  it is no one I had heard of

  and I turning to the horiscope

  looking for the funnies

  when I feeling someone watching me

  and so I raise my head

  there’s a woman on the outside

  looking inside does she see me

  no she does not really see me

  ’cause she sees her own reflection

  and I trying not to notice

  that she is hitching up her skirt

  and when she straitening her stockings

  her hair has gotten wet

  OH this rain it will continue

  through the morning as I’m listening

  to the bells of the cathedral

  I am thinking of your voice

  and of the midnight picnic

  once upon time before the rain began

  and I finished up my coffee

  and it’s the time to catch the train

  do’do’do’la do’do’do’la

  do’do’do’la do’da’do’la

  I am sitting in the morning

  at the diner on the corner

  I am waiting at the counter

  for the man to pour the coffee

  and he fills it only half-way

  and before I even argue

  he is looking out of window

  at somebody coming in

  It is always nice to see you

  says the man behind counnter

  to the woman who has came in

  she is shaking her unbrella

  and I look the other way

  as they are kissing their hellos

  and I am prettending

  not to see them

  and instead I pour milk

  I open up the paper

  there is a story of an actor

  who had dead while he was drinking

  it is no one I had heard of

  and I turning to the horiscope

  looking for the funnies

  when I feeling someone watching me

  and so I raise my head

  there’s a woman on the outside

  looking inside does she see me

  no she does not really see me

  ’cause she sees her own reflection

  and I trying not to notice

  that she is hitching up her skirt

  and when she straitening her stockings

  her hair has gotten wet

  OH this rain it will continue

  through the morning as I’m listening

  to the bells of the cathedral

  I am thinking of your voice

  and of the midnight picnic

  once upon time before the rain began

  and I finished up my coffee

  and it’s the time to catch the train

  do’do’do’la do’do’do’la

  do’do’do’la do’da’do’la


苏珊娜薇格Suzanne Vega(转载) 期待您的回复!


