looking for part time ebay sale [已扎口]
now, we are looking for someone who has strong english communication skills and ebay selling experiences to join our team. we sale things on ebay but the resourse is from USA.It firstly might be hard to trust each other. Because of scam and fraud risk,i knew recently someone who did the same recuring information that post . As secure consideration, we have a lot ways to let everyone make sure what we did is trying to find best profits for both of us. Here i am going to leave my contact information.
本公司雇用海外兼职人员,若有兴致请参加团队,我们绝无欺诈,详细证明行为在交换后天然晓得,兼职要求只需要英文程度能够与客户和ebay,paypal ,amazon客服交换即可,详细信息请联络如下。
2658687131 电话