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国度级巨匠倾力打造更高规格佛文化躲品 尊贵地位不容量疑


世界释教论坛组委会三大权势巨子 中国宗教协会、中国释教协会、中国工艺美术学会结合评定“南海七宝看音”为“天花灿漫·中国工艺丹青妙手释教艺术珍品”。国际慈悲论坛大会组委会、中国国际慈悲基金会结合评定为国际慈悲论坛独一指定慈悲公益佛文化躲品。


南海七宝看音以释教圣地普陀山南海看音大佛的为原型再创造, 创意源于普陀山“七色看音”传说,相传南海看音在海上漂走时闪现七种灿艳的色彩,而佛家七宝亦与此对应,得七宝者民安,是我国工艺美术史上第一件在纯金银像体上镶嵌七宝天然宝石的工艺美术品,也是二千多年来佛像造像史第一尊纯金纯银七宝看音,工艺美术价值、文化收躲价值不成估量。



英文名称:South China Sea Seven treasures Guanyin







南海七宝看音圣像由中国工艺丹青妙手刘红宝巨匠历经两年时间亲身设想并精心造造的,是他几十年的设想体味和造造身手于一体,他将中国传统金银器造造工艺与现代金银器加工工艺完美连系,初次在纯金银像体上镶嵌钻石、红宝石、蓝宝石、绿松石、绿玛瑙、珍珠等天然宝石,并在工艺立异中初次融进了 微雕工艺,是我国工艺美术史上第一件在纯金银像体上镶嵌七宝天然宝石的工艺美术品,也是二千多年来佛像造像史第一尊纯金纯银七宝看音,极具工艺美术和文化收躲价值。


南海七宝看音”圣像由中国工艺丹青妙手刘红宝巨匠限量敬铸 尊贵版919尊,圣像像体高33厘米,象征看世音菩萨的三十三种应化身,为南海看音同比例缩小100倍。看音宝像像体摘用纯金纯银浇铸、外表摘用磨砂及压光工艺,看音宝冠和服饰上的珠宝均为手工镶嵌,现代和传统两种工艺畅通领悟贯穿,外型生动,华贵堂皇。

看音宝冠上的弥陀佛高 1.3厘米,重仅1克摆布,是目前最小的立体微雕,已达立体微雕极限。看音佩饰的珠宝均摘用纯银铸金镶嵌,处于中轴线上的次要宝石利用了欧洲古典排丝镶嵌手法,使之更显华贵豪华。黄金加上珠宝,闪现出南海七宝看音七彩纷呈,美伦美奂





英文翻译:The exalted status of the national masters' efforts to create the highest level of Buddhist culture collection is beyond question

One of the top treasures honored with the highest specification

The three major authorities of the Organizing committee of the World Buddhism Forum, the Chinese Religious Association, the Buddhist Association of China, and the Chinese Arts and Crafts Association jointly evaluate "South China Sea Seven Treasures of Avalokitesvara" as "Smallpox Chiman · Buddhist art Treasures of Chinese arts and crafts masters". The organizing committee of the International Charity Forum congress and China International Charity Foundation jointly rated as the only designated collection of Buddhist culture of charity in the international charity Forum.

A statue of the Buddha is the first treasure in history

Shippo of the south China sea guanyin buddhist holy land to mount putuo nahai guanyin Buddha as the prototype again creation, inspiration, mount putuo "seven color guanyin" legend, legend of the south China sea guanyin floating in the sea as presents seven kinds of gorgeous colors, and buddhist shippo, corresponding to the cas to Sapporo, is China's first craft art history in pure gold and silver inlaid shippo like body natural stone crafts, is also a history of more than two thousand years of Buddha statues first gold silver qibao guanyin, arts and crafts, culture collection value is immeasurable.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: South China Sea seven treasures Avalokitesvara

South China Sea Seven Treasures Guanyin

Category: Miscellaneous

Specification: one

Product phase: extremely beautiful product

A unique treasure of Buddha margin

Nanhai Seven treasures Avalokitesvara is the only buddhist cultural treasures at the same time the two most respected Buddhist monk approved of the Buddha treasures. Master Yisheng, President of the Buddhist Association of China, signed "The seven treasures of Avalokitesvara in The South China Sea", and Master Jierian, vice President of the Buddhist Association of China, signed "The seven treasures of Avalokitesvara in the South China Sea", praising "this is the first statue of avalokitesvara in the history of More than 2,000 years of Buddhist statues in China, which is unique and extremely precious".

Buddha margin treasure the first statue of the South China Sea seven treasures guanyin holy glory

Shippo of the south China sea guanyin icon by Liu Hongbao masters of arts and crafts master of China after two years of time personally and elaborate design, is he a few years of experience in design and production skills, he will treasure the manufacture craft and the modern traditional Chinese treasure processing technology perfect union, for the first time on the pure gold and silver as body inlaid diamond, ruby, sapphire, turquoise and natural gems, such as, green agate, pearl and for the first time into the riches in the technological innovation process, is China's first craft art history in pure gold and silver inlaid shippo like body natural stone crafts, is also a history of more than two thousand years of Buddha statues first gold silver qibao guanyin, Great arts and crafts and cultural collection value.

Nanhai Qibao Avalokitesvara takes the Buddhist holy land Putuo Mountain nanhai Guanyin Buddha as the prototype to create, inlaid diamond, ruby, sapphire, turquoise, green agate, pearl and other Buddhist qibao stones on the pure gold and silver statue body, so it is called "South China Sea Qibao Avalokitesvara".

The holy image of "Nanhai Qibao Guan Yin" is made of a limited number of 919 honored versions made by Chinese arts and crafts master Liu Hongbao. The body of the holy image is 33 centimeters high and represents 33 incarnations of Avalokitesvara bodhisattva. It is reduced 100 times to the same scale as Nanhai Guanyin. The body of The guanyin treasure is cast in pure gold and silver, the surface is frosted and polished, the jewelry on the guanyin treasure crown and costume are all set by hand, the modern and traditional techniques are well integrated, the shape is vivid and magnificent.

The Maituo Buddha on the Guan Yin crown is 1.3 centimeters high and weighs only about 1 gram. It is the smallest three-dimensional microcarving at present and has reached the limit of three-dimensional microcarving. The jewelry of Guanyin's adornment is inlaid with pure silver and gold, and the main gemstones on the central axis are inlaid with the classical European silk arrangement technique, which makes them more magnificent and luxurious. Gold and jewelry, showing the South China Sea seven treasures guanyin colorful, magnificent beauty

The noble version of "The Seven Treasures of Avalokitesvara" consists of three parts: the image of Guanyin, lotus pedestal and mahogany Ditan. The base is divided into two floors. The upper floor is an eight-pole Ditan, which means the world is at peace, all directions are in peace and harmony for thousands of years. It is surrounded by six decorated lotus flowers. The lower layer is the archaize sifang, meaning four seasons peace.

Nanhai Qibao Guanyin has realized the perfect combination of gold and jewelry, the bright beauty of jewelry and the dignified weight of gold. The combination of the two gives people the visual enjoyment of jumping, which loses the classical charm in modern times and has extremely high technological innovation, historical culture and investment and collection value.

Multiple certificates, multiple guarantees, for the art of identity, for the appreciation of its collection escort.

Shippo of the south China sea guanyin was like buddhist holy land of mount putuo nahai guanyin Buddha, timber buddhist shippo, was China's most respected mage, vice President of China Buddhism association, mount putuo whole total abbot jieren, the mage's hands-on medallion, treasure like wonderful phase solemn, spiritual, BaiQing home, not only can pray that in addition to eliminate evil, exorcism town houses, more can be used as a forever family heirloom, blessings ten thousand generations! This view of sound perfect, resplendent, with high collection value.


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