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Questions 19 to 22 are based on the following conversation。

---Good morning, Patricia。 How are you these days?

---Fine, thanks, Bill。

   Glad to see you again。 What news can you bring from your business trip to our headquarters in New York last week?

---Well, not bad ones。

   During my stay in New York last week, I met our company’s CEO Mr。 Johnson。 He wants us to put on a local conference sometime next month。

   I remember you made most of the arrangements for our last conference, and things went so smoothly。 I thought I couldn’t do better than ask you for some tips。

---I’ll be glad to help。 Is it a sales conference again?

---Yes, in a way。 It’s mainly for agents from home and abroad, and we’re inviting a few of our influential customers。

   The objectives are mainly to introduce the products we’ll put in on the markets next season, to describe our services to customers and so on。

---And how many people are expected to attend this time? Last time, it was about 220。

---We’re counting on 300 this time。

   No more than 350。

---Then we can not use the seaside conference hall again。 It has a capacity of only 250。

---That’s the trouble。

   I was thinking of the President Convention Center, which has a larger capacity。 Besides, I haven’t worked out all those details yet。

   Then there are other things to arrange, like loudspeakers and visual aids。 I’m going to make a checklist。

---Yes, I did that, too。

   I’ll be glad to give you a hand。

---That would be great, Patricia。 I’d very much like to chance of using some of your experience。

   May I invite you to lunch today? And then we could have a bit of planning session about it all afterwards。

Question 19: What was the man doing last week?

Question 20: Who will be invited to attend a local conference next month?

Question 21: According to the woman, about how many people attended the last conference in the seaside conference hall?

Question 22: Which of the following will NOT be included in the man’s checklist for his planning of the conference?。


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