姓名: 陈智燊
英文名: Jason Chan
花名: JJ (colleagues), Jas (colleagues and friends)
and anything you can think of too
出生日期: 1977年12月12日
星座: 射手
身高: 178cm
体重: 75kg
籍贯: 客家
血型: Sorry, can't remember(对不起,不记得)
学历: Bachelor Modern and Classical Chinese;
Postgraduate in Economics(本科古典和现代汉语、经济学研究生)
家庭状况: 爸妈,一哥两弟弟
嗜好: Where to start? Tennis, squash, badminton (most racket sports), swimming,
reading (magazines, novels, anything interesting), watching films (anything good)。