5% for attacking someone with a Town Hall (TH) 4+ levels lower than the attacker's。
守方(基地)品级低于攻防(基地) 品级4级或者更多,攻防可获得资本数降为现实可获得的5%(例:7本打3本或以下……)
25% for attacking someone with a TH 3 levels lower than the attacker's。
守方(基地)品级低于攻防 (基地) 品级3级,攻防可获得资本数降为现实可获得的25%(例:7本打4本)
50% for attacking someone with a TH 2 levels lower than the attacker's。
守方(基地)品级低于攻防 (基地) 品级2级,攻防可获得资本数降为现实可获得的50% (例:7本打5本)
90% for attacking someone with a TH 1 level lower than the attacker's。
守方(基地)品级低于攻防 (基地) 品级1级,攻防可获得资本数降为现实可获得的90% (例:7本打6本)
100% for attacking someone with a TH level equivalent to the attacker's。
守方(基地)品级等于攻防 (基地) 品级,攻防可获得资本数为现实可获得的100% (例:7本打7本)
110% for attacking someone with a TH 1 level higher than the attacker's。
守方(基地)品级高于攻防 (基地) 品级1级,攻防可获得资本数为现实可获得的110% (例:7本打8本)
150% for attacking someone with a TH 2+ levels higher than the attacker's。
守方(基地)品级高于攻防 (基地) 品级2级或以上,攻防可获得资本数为现实可获得的150% (例:7本打9本10本)
更新后,本来的 “守方(基地)品级高于攻防 (基地) 品级3级或以上,攻防可获得资本数降为现实可获得的200% ”被取缔了。
目前计算可掠夺到的单项资本(金水)更大数值为1,085,500黑水可掠夺到的更大数值为7,800 以上数据供玩家伴侣们参考进修,期看对各人有所搀扶帮助。