Medal table
The ranking in this table is based on information provided by the International Olympic Committee. The ranking sorts by the number of gold medals earned by a country (in this context a country is an entity represented by a National Olympic Committee). The number of silver medals is taken into consideration next and then the number of bronze medals. If, after the above, countries are still tied, equal ranking is given and they are listed alphabetically by IOC country code.
"The ranking sorts by the number of gold medals earned by a country. The number of silver medals is taken into consideration next and then the number of bronze medals." 排名按金牌数摆列,其次计银牌,再次铜牌,懂?再有疑问的往IOC的官方网站上查2004年雅典奥运会的功效纪录,看他们是怎么排的,网址: