美国最新奖牌计算体例出炉了:在实正的奖牌榜中, 美国领先中国(转载)

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  Through 11 days of the Olympics, China leads the United States in the official IOC medal count. But in Fourth-Place Medal's "real" medal count, a tally that ignores judged activities masquerading as sports, Team USA has a commanding lead over its Asian counterparts.

  奥运会已经起头了11天, 在官方的奖牌榜上, 中国领先美国. 但假设不算需要裁判来打分的那些项目, 美国队则比他的亚洲敌手领先许多

  Our real medal count ignores Olympic disciplines like gymnastics and diving and instead focuses on sports where winners are determined on the field of play. When Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps wins a race, the result is objective and undeniable. Gabby Douglas winning the women's all-around was one of the most memorable moments of the first week. But why did she win a gold over Victoria Komova? Because some judges said she was 0.259 better? It wouldn't be so insulting if we weren't the rubes who accept it like it's real. Gymnastics wins aren't victories, they're subjective decisions based on objective-sounding rules.

  我们说的"实正的"奖牌榜漠视像体操和跳水那些项目,只算那些需要靠赛场上的功效来决分高下的项目. 当博尔特和菲尔普斯赢了一场角逐时, 他们的功效是客看的, 无可狡辩的. 道格拉斯的女子万能体操金牌无疑是第一周的亮点, 但为什么是她得了金牌,不是科莫娃呢? 因为有些裁判说她比后者多得0.259分? 假设我们不是乡巴佬,谁会相信它是实的,(那件事)也不会那么嘲讽. 体操冠军不是实正的赢者, 他们(的金牌)是听起来客看的规则中产生的主看决定.

  So factor all of that out when talking about medal counts. China isn't ahead, the United States is. When you factor out all the judging nonsense in gymnastics, diving, trampoline and judo, Team USA is the decisive leader.

  所以往除了以上所说的以后再来看奖牌榜,中国没有领先, 美国领先. 往除了裁判来决定的垃圾项目: 体操,跳水,蹦床,柔道... 美国赢.

美国最新奖牌计算体例出炉了:在"实正的"奖牌榜中, 美国领先中国(转载)


  The bulk of the difference comes from diving and a trampoline. Chinese divers won five golds and six overall medals in London (compared to zero and three for Americans) and four overall medals in trampoline (Americans earned a goose egg).

  (中国和美国之间的)差别的主体从跳水和蹦床中产生. 中国的跳水运发动赢了六枚奖牌,此中五枚金牌(美国三枚奖牌零枚金牌). 中国在蹦床赢了四枚奖牌(美国啥也没有).

美国最新奖牌计算体例出炉了:在"实正的"奖牌榜中, 美国领先中国(转载)


  We've heard the arguments: Tennis has chair umpires and basketball has referees. A bunch of judges peer at the target after every arching round to see whether an arrow is on or over the line. Every sport on the Olympic slate has some judge or official making decisions that can affect the final outcome. But except in very rare occasions -- like a gold-medal basketball game in Munich -- they don't pick the winner. Like rubes, we mindlessly accept that Jordyn Weiber was somehow determined to be 0.232 worse than Douglas in the gymnastics all-around qualification. When diving judges give a 9.0 instead of an 8.5, it's treated like Missy Franklin touching the wall first.

  No more! The real medal count cuts through the nonsense and politics. Winning a competition on the field of play is the only way to get to our medal stand.

  我们都听过如许的话: 网球和篮球都有场地裁判. 在射箭中也有一帮裁判来看察选手每一箭到底是几环. 每个奥运会项目都有能够摆布角逐成果的裁判或权势巨子. 但是除了在十分少见的情状中(例如慕尼黑的金牌篮球角逐),裁判们不克不及决定谁是赢者. 像土鳖一样,在女子体操万能决赛中,我们无脑地承受威尔伯不知怎么就比道格拉斯差0.232那一决定. 当跳水裁判给出一个9.0而不是8.5时, 那一决定的感化就跟蜜茜·富兰克林先摸到(起点的)墙一样.

  忍够了!"实正的"奖牌榜无视那些胡扯的和政治性的工具. 只要靠在赛场上的功效来博得的角逐才有含金量.


美国最新奖牌计算体例出炉了:在实正的奖牌榜中, 美国领先中国(转载) 期待您的回复!


