【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】研究展现奥运会仍然是更受欢迎的体育赛事....

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【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】研究显示奥运会仍然是更受欢迎的体育赛事....

According to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), research from the United States shows that the Olympic Games continues to be the most appealing sports and entertainment event in the world. Publicis Sport Entertainment, a New York-based independent facility that values brands in sport and entertainment, took surveys in March 2022 with over 28,000 people aged between 13 and 65 across 16 countries and regions. The findings were part of the consumer surveys, which saw an increase of the value of Olympic Games compared to research conducted after the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games. The success of the 2022 Beijing Olympic Winter Games extends the global broadcast audience to over two billion people. The IOC said Olympic social media had 3.2 billion engagements during Beijing 2022, making it the most digitally engaged Olympic Winter Games ever.




Amid its shift toward innovation-driven development, Beijing has become the top city nurturing "little giants", with those in healthcare getting more eye-catching in recent years. According to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, little giant companies refer to leading small and medium-sized enterprises that specialize in niche sectors, command a high market share, and boast strong innovative capacity and core technologies. By September, Beijing had cultivated 590 national-level little giants, ranking first in terms of number nationwide. According to Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, Beijing announced 13 batches of provincial-level little giants between 2019 and 2022, with a total number of 5,261, among which 500 are healthcare companies, or 9.5 percent of the total. Among the 500, 68 were national-level little giants.




【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】研究显示奥运会仍然是更受欢迎的体育赛事....

Beijing Import and Export Online Fair (West and Southeast Asia) is ongoing for 7 days. It provides opportunities for Beijing enterprises to connect and trade with overseas buyers. Over 120 Beijing enterprises and more than 100 overseas companies from Saudi Arabia, UAE, Malaysia, Indonesia and other countries participate in the fair. Special exhibitions related to epidemic prevention materials and health, high-tech products and intelligent equipment, new materials are being held. Intelligent products from Beijing are available during the fair.



The final of the youth photography section of the 2022 Competition for the Inheritance and Promotion of Beijing Central Axis ended on October 26. 30 photographs selected from over 2000 works won the title of excellent works, showcasing the scenery, architecture and culture of the Central Axis. From now until November 13, 17 finals in 5 categories and 11 sections of the Competition will be held and the winners will be announced in early December.



A Standard for Controlling Vegetable Production Quality and Safety in Beijing was released recently, and will go into effect in January next year. During vegetable production, soil, irrigation water and air indicators should be regularly monitored, and priority should be given to disease and pest control. Traceability management and product recall systems should be established to facilitate timely recalls when needed.



Beijing's first UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) sci-tech museum will be completed in Yanqing District in November. Covering an area of over 10,000 square meters, the museum is home to UAV popular science, exhibition, flight experience, research and product trading. It’s the first UAV popular science display and experience base in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. It focuses on interaction and provides various UAV application scenarios for education purposes.



【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】研究显示奥运会仍然是更受欢迎的体育赛事....

Construction of the Beijing Yuanbo Digital Economy Industrial Park started on Oct 26. Located in Fengtai District, the Park will cover an area of 1.34 million square meters, 700,000 square meters of which will be dedicated to a cluster of digital technology enterprises. It will encourage digital economy enterprises in the fields of next-generation Internet, digital finance, intelligent manufacturing, digital mobility, digital healthcare and 6G network to settle down in the area.



【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】研究显示奥运会仍然是更受欢迎的体育赛事....

This year, Beijing has completed 5 forest trails, with a total length of over 100 kilometers, which received more than 300,000 visitors. The 5 forest trails have different characteristics. Taihang Mountain National Forest Trail of Badaling Forestry Farm (Beijing Yanqing Section) is 33 kilometers long. It is a walking trail at the foot of the Great Wall and the end of the Taihang Mountain National Forest Trail. With a total length of 25 kilometers, Datai Forest Trail of Jingxi Forest Farm is where visitors can find traces of the Jingxi Ancient Road.




【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】研究显示奥运会仍然是更受欢迎的体育赛事....

A Guide for viewing autumn foliage in Beijing’s municipal parks was released recently, recommending 30 viewing sites. Tourists can find tree species such as Oriental White Oak, Purpleblow Maple, and Ash Tree in Houxi River scenic spot of the Summer Palace, and enjoy Ginkgo Trees in the Temple of Heaven, Zhongshan Park and Jingshan Park. More than 2000 square meters of Reeds in the Taoranting Park have entered the best viewing period.



【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】研究显示奥运会仍然是更受欢迎的体育赛事....

This year marks the 3rd anniversary of the construction of Beijing’s Beautiful Country Roads. 71 beautiful country roads have been built in the city, 18 of which were selected as the most beautiful country roads in Beijing. Located in 10 districts such as Tongzhou, Shunyi and Miyun, the 18 roads have a total length of 193 kilometers. The most beautiful country road in Huairou District is Baoshansi Hougou Road. In 2022, with the Hougou Road as its core, Baoshan Town planted colorful Upland Rice and Sunflower, and used green, red and yellow Upland Rice to create a giant pattern, covering an area of 8.7 hectares, attracting many visitors.



来源:新华社 China Daily 北京日报 北京晚报 北京新闻播送 北京交通播送

《感触感染北京 Touch Beijing》


重播19:30-21:00 次日7:00-8:30 12:30-14:00


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