【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】祝愿二十大,非遗绽青春!90后小伙用树叶雕琢百年光辉.....

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【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】祝愿二十大,非遗绽青春!90后小伙用树叶雕琢百年光芒.....

Jia Jingrui, a young artist, hand-carved 20 pictures from leaves to celebrate the 20th CPC National Congress, which vividly show important moments of the Communist Party of China in the past 100 years. Leaf carving is an intangible cultural heritage, combining the techniques of paper-cutting, seal cutting and painting among others. Jia has been engaged in this traditional art for four years and created hundreds of pieces over the years.



【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】祝愿二十大,非遗绽青春!90后小伙用树叶雕琢百年光芒.....


212 hydrogen fuel cell powered buses that served the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games are now being used as city buses since July, on bus routes connecting central Beijing with Yanqing, Fangshan and Miyun districts. By October 20, the total mileage of these hydrogen fuel cell powered buses has exceeded 6 million kilometers. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles have been in use in public transportation, logistics, sanitation and shuttle bus service in Beijing, since the construction of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei hydrogen fuel cell vehicle demonstration urban cluster was established one year ago.



【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】祝愿二十大,非遗绽青春!90后小伙用树叶雕琢百年光芒.....

Beijing Municipal Cultural Heritage Bureau issued an invitation on Friday to 20 families to take part in archaeological experience activities. The activities will be organized in Beijing Archaeological Site Museum (Liulihe Ruins) on October 30, allowing participants to experience archaeological exploration and excavation work onsite, understand the role of archaeological tools, and walk into the site of ongoing archaeological excavation to experience the unique charm of archaeological work. A casting experience activity of bronze ware will also be arranged, where participants can better understand the ancient Chinese bronze craft by practice. Liulihe Ruins, located in Liulihe Town, Fangshan District, Beijing, was the first capital of Yan State in the Western Zhou Dynasty. Since 1962, many cultural relics from the Western Zhou Dynasty have been discovered at the site, and the origins of Beijing as a city have been clarified by archaeological discoveries.



【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】祝愿二十大,非遗绽青春!90后小伙用树叶雕琢百年光芒.....

An intelligent system was introduced in a 20-hectare orchard in Beijing’s Pinggu District by a group of postdoctoral students from China Agricultural University. Drones and driverless vehicles are used in the orchard to spray pesticides accurately, and pollination is done by robots, that can also pick fruit during the harvest season. An insect monitor system, small weather station and other facilities are also in operation in the orchard.



【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】祝愿二十大,非遗绽青春!90后小伙用树叶雕琢百年光芒.....

The 24 online history lessons produced by the history school of Peking University has attracted over 320,000 viewers in the past 50 days since uploading. Launching online open courses has become a common practice for prestigious universities in China. In September, more than 100 live broadcasted lectures given by famous scholars were offered to the public by a number of prestigious universities including Tsinghua University, the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Douyin platform alone launched nearly 15,000 university open classes this year, with more than 1.45 million viewing hours.



【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】祝愿二十大,非遗绽青春!90后小伙用树叶雕琢百年光芒.....

The cooperation between Banbidian Village in Beijing’s Chaoyang District and the Central Academy of Fine Arts has been established for three years. An aesthetic education center initiated by the Academy with an area of more than 400 square meters is now in operation in the village, which integrates exhibition, art workshop, research and development of cultural and creative products. In the future, the center will regularly organize professional aesthetic education classes for children and adults, and villagers will be able to access professional art courses free of charge at their doorstep.



来源:北京日报 北京进修平

《感触感染北京 Touch Beijing》


重播19:30-21:00 次日7:00-8:30 12:30-14:00


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