2021年10月28日,国度体育场夜景 图源:新华社
Zhang Yimou, who directed the opening and closing ceremonies for Beijing's 2008 Summer Games, will be behind the wheel again for the ceremonies for the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, making the 71-year-old the first person to direct both the Summer and Winter Games ceremonies as Beijing makes history as the first city to host both.
张艺谋 图源:新华社
张艺谋表达,十分荣幸能够成为“双奥”导演,感应身上担子轻飘飘。It's a great honor to direct the opening ceremony for the second time," Zhang said, adding that "the burden is very heavy".
北京冬奥组委开终结式工做部部长、国度体育场运行团队主任常宇 图源:新华社
北京冬奥组委开终结式工做部部长、国度体育场运行团队主任常宇说:“张艺谋导演主导创做了令世人赞颂的北京2008年奥运会开终结式,给全世界留下了十分深的印象。2017年,冬奥组委再次礼聘张艺谋担任平昌冬奥会终结式‘北京8分钟’导演,又一次在一个很短的时间内向世界展示了纷歧样的中国,各方评判也十分好。所以在2019年我们确立开终结式总导演时,颠末冬奥组委的认实研究评审,最末确定再次请张艺谋担任北京冬奥会和冬残奥会开终结式总导演。”Director Zhang Yimou created the impressive 2008 Games opening ceremony that wowed the world. In 2017, we hired him to take charge of 'Beijing's eight minutes' in Pyeongchang, and he was able to present the world a different China in such a limited time with a well-received show. Therefore, when we decided on the chief director in 2019, we chose him again after careful deliberation," said Chang Yu, director of the Beijing Games organizing committee's opening and closing ceremonies department.
The opening ceremony will be in keeping with Beijing's efforts to stage a "simple, safe and splendid" Games, Zhang said.
2008年北京奥运会开幕式上的击缶演出 图源:新华社
There will be no lengthy, large-scale performance, with the number of performers cut from 15,000 in 2008 to 3,000, and the duration of the ceremony reduced to less than 100 minutes due to the cold weather and the COVID-19 pandemic.
However, the quality will not be affected by the decrease in quantity.
“简约,就像我们拍武侠片,高手的一把剑,十分简单的一剑,带有千钧之力是吧?那就是简约有力量的一种表现。”Being simple, just as in martial arts films, is like a master's sword," Zhang said. "All his spirit is focused on the tip of the sword, and the power of his stab is different. It looks like a very simple stab, but with fateful power.点火:史无前例
One of the most anticipated parts of the opening ceremony is the lighting of the main cauldron.
2008年8月8日,最初一棒火炬手李宁在北京奥运会开幕式上凌空绕场一周,预备点燃主火炬 图源:新华社
Zhang said his team had come up with "a bold idea for the lighting and the design of the main cauldron".This time, the way of lighting will certainly be different," he said. "It's a major reform of the opening ceremony. It will be unprecedented in the over 100-year history of the Olympic Games.他还透露,那个设想是为了表现低碳环保的理念,本身也一度很忐忑,但很高兴获得了冬奥组委的鼎力撑持和国际奥委会的必定。“很高兴北京冬奥会能成为第一个食螃蟹的。”
He hinted that the design was in line with the concept of environmental protection and low carbon emissions.
Zhang said "people's participation"—"a major goal" of hosting the Games—is also important for the opening ceremony. "It's always about the people. The spirit, emotion and hope are always the key points.所以那一次他更存眷老苍生的参与、各人的参与,因为那是举办奥运会的一个次要目标,在许多演出和环节中也会强调那一点。
2019年6月21日,中关村第三小学的学生们在上旱地越野滑雪教学课 图源:新华社
The opening ceremony will also be characterized by engaging with the general public and diversity, with some performers coming from schools and grassroots arts groups. Representatives from all walks of life will be part of the ceremony.
He said the pandemic has brought about changes in the world, with China facing a new and complicated international situation. That's why he hoped to present genuine thoughts of the Chinese people via the Olympic stage.What the Winter Olympics show is the Chinese people's confidence, pride, love and affection for the people of the world-our great philosophy and values," Zhang said.If we can showcase that in an artistic, emotional and subtle way through the opening ceremony, so that people can see the real inner thoughts of Chinese people, that will be very meaningful.张艺谋表达,在他一生的创做中,奥运的重量远重于片子。
2021年12月30日,张艺谋凭仗影片《悬崖之上》获得更佳导演奖 图源:新华社