《ISU NEWS》第3期 | 中国丝绸行业2021年运行阐发

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Analysis on Operation of Chinese Silk Industry in 2021


1.1 工业消费情状

据国度统计局统计,2021年规模以上企业次要产物产量根本不变。次要产物中,丝类产量4.76万t,同比下降7.83%,此中绢丝3103 t,同比增长1.60%;绸缎产量38632万m,同比下降2.33%;蚕丝被产量1340万条,同比增长21.31%。


1.2 经济效益情状

1.2.1 工业经济恢复性增长



1.2.2 行业运行量效继续改进




1.3 丝绸商业情状

1.3.1 丝绸内销市场稳步回热


1.3.2 实丝绸商品出口强劲反弹



从出口产物类别来看,丝类产物方面,欧盟、印度、日本、越南、美国位列前五,出口金额别离为10981.20万美圆、4434.51万美圆、3679.48万美圆、1050.30万美圆、919.00万美圆;欧盟、日本和美国同比别离增长13.13%、39.17%、13.07%,印度和越南同比别离下降10.79%、11.20%。实丝绸缎类产物方面,排名前五位的国度和地域为欧盟、中国香港、巴基斯坦、印度和斯里兰卡,出口金额别离为1012.32万美圆、5171.05万美圆、4637.87万美圆、3007.11万美圆和2284.96万美圆,同比别离增长41.07%、47.40%、60.58%、59.81%、68.28%。除土耳其同比下降4.81%外,其他国度和地域同比均实现大幅增长。丝绸服拆及成品方面,美国、欧盟、中国香港、英国和日本排名前五位,对美国出口金额23133.34万美圆,同比增长19.08%;对欧盟出口16159.44万美圆,同比增长16.09%;对中国香港出口6 402.26万美圆,同比增长21.16%;对英国出口4832.45万美圆,同比增长42.87%;对日本出口4739.80万美圆,同比增长16.73%。

2) 次要省市出口苏醒向好。2021年全国各省市实丝绸商品的出口金额同比普及增长,排名情状见表4。在出口金额前十的省(区、市)中,浙江、江苏、广东、上海、山东等省市的出口金额超越1亿美圆。此中,浙江仍然稳居首位,出口金额47199.16万美圆,同比增长20.15%,总额占比34.99%;江苏位列第二,出口23008.46万美圆,同比增长23.69%,总额占比17.06%;广东出口金额14942.51万美圆,同比增长16.42%,总额占比11.08%。排名第7、第8和第9位的福建、河南和青海三省,实丝绸商品出口金额较2020年实现大幅增长,同比别离增长270.37%、120.98%和208.88%。

1.4 茧丝交易市场情状

2021岁首年月以来,跟着全球新冠肺炎疫情整体趋于缓和,国表里丝绸市场刚性需求逐步恢复,加上部门地域蚕茧产量减产和企业囤货惜售影响,原料赐与继续偏紧,茧丝价格稳步攀升。截至2021年5月底,干茧和生丝(4A级)的价格别离到达14.84万元/t和44.97万元/t,较上岁尾别离上涨36.90%和36.89%。2021年5月31日,国度商务部发布通知布告公开放储900.49 t储蓄厂丝,及时按捺了国内茧丝价格的非理性上涨。下半年,干茧和生丝价格横向窄幅颠簸,走势相对平稳。截至2021年12月底,干茧、生丝(4A级)价格别离为14.85万元/t和45.00万元/t,较岁首年月别离增长25.53、24.07%,市场活力不竭闪现,见图7、图8。


Since 2021, faced with the combined influence of the unprecedented changes in the world in a century and the COVID-19 pandemic, China’s silk industry has overcome many difficulties, continuously advanced the supply-side structural reform, and worked hard to mitigate various risks. As a result, industrial production has been basically stable, economic benefits have been continuously improved, domestic and foreign trade has resumed growth, and market vitality has gradually increased, which marks a good start in the 14th Five-Year Plan and plays an important role in stabilizing the economy, improving people’s livelihood, ensuring employment and preventing risks.

1.1 Industrial production status

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the output of major products of enterprises above designated size was roughly stable in 2021. Among the major products, the output of silk products was 47,600 tons, deceasing by 7.83% year on year. Among the silk products, the output of satin was 386.32 million m, down by 2.33% year on year, while the output of spun silk and silk quilts was 3,103 t and 13.4 million pieces, respectively, with a year-on-year rise of 1.60% and 2.33%.

Judging from the output of major silk products of various provinces and cities in 2021 (Tab.1), although the output of silk in Guangxi decreased by 14.73% year on year, it still accounted for 1/3 of the total output in China, ranking first among the major silk producing provinces. Silk production in Sichuan, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces increased slightly while the output of silk in Henan and Shaanxi increased by 26.21% and 31.82%, respectively. Among the top five provinces regarding the production of pure silk and satin, Sichuan, with the largest proportion, saw a year-on-year decline of 12.43%, while the other four provinces and cities achieved positive growth, with Jiangxi seeing the largest growth with a year-on-year rise of 49.24%. The five provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Henan, Jiangxi and Hunan with an annual output of more than one million pieces of silk quilts all achieved different degrees of growth on a yearly basis. Compared with Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Henan, Jiangxi, and Hunan had larger growth rates, with a year-on-year increase of 271.07%, 46.50%, and 63.58%, respectively.

1.2 Economic benefits

1.2.1 Industrial economic rebound continues

In 2021, the silk enterprises above designated size in China reported an operating income of RMB68.259 billion and a total profit of RMB3.299 billion, with a year-on-year growth of 10.45% and 74.30%, respectively, the National Bureau of Statistics said. As for silk reeling, silk weaving, and silk dyeing, the operating income reached RMB26.442 billion, RMB33.63 billion and RMB8.188 billion, up by 9.14%, 7.69% and 29.00%, respectively year on year; the profits amounted to RMB1.283 billion, 1.444 billion and RMB572 million, up by 7.69%, 29.64%, and 42.91% respectively year on year. Related information is as shown in Fig.1 and Fig.2.

Seen from the change of operating income of the silk industry from January to December 2021, the growth remained basically stable, with a year-on-year growth rate of 22.98 percentage points, as shown in Fig.3. In terms of industry profits, affected by the rebound of the export market, the effective recovery of the domestic market and the continuous rise of silk prices, the industry profit in the first half of 2021 showed a rapid growth trend. Despite the fall in the second half of 2021, the profit growth rate at the end of the year still achieved an increase of 50.28 percentage points compared to the beginning of the year, and the annual growth rate increased by 111.94 percentage points against the previous year, as shown in Fig.4.

1.2.2 Continuous improvement in the quality and efficiency of industry operation

In 2021, there were 138 loss-making enterprises above designated size in the silk industry, 97 fewer than that in 2020, and the total loss of loss-making enterprises read RMB332 million, down by 62.81% year on year. The scale of losses was 23.51%, down by 13.15 percentage points compared with the same period in 2020. The scale of losses was obviously narrowed, but it was still 6.38 percentage points higher than the average level of the textile industry. Enterprise inventory and management cost read RMB14.359 billion and RMB2.247 billion, with a respective year-on-year growth of 12.18% and 5.37%, while enterprise sales expenses and financial expenses were figured at RMB993 million and RMB810 million, with a respective year-on-year decline of 5.29% and 11.71%. In 2021, the proportion of the three expenses for silk enterprises was 6.63%, down by 0.70 percentage points year on year. The turnover rate of finished products was 8.27 times/year, which was 1.40% faster than that of the same period in 2020. The total asset turnover rate was 1.07 times/year, which was 2.25% faster than the same period in 2020.

Judging from the situation throughout 2021, with the gradual advancement of vaccination at home and abroad, the market supply and demand was increasingly improved, the production and operation of enterprises continued to improve, and the quality and efficiency level of the industry was gradually enhanced. Nevertheless, due to the shortage of export containers, soaring freight, increasing production costs, enterprise liquidity shortage and other adverse effects, the economic operation of the industry was still facing great pressure. The comparison of main economic indicators of the silk industry in 2021 is shown in Tab. 2.

1.3 Silk trade situation

1.3.1 The domestic silk market picked up steadily

According to the monitoring of the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, the sales of 50 sample silk enterprises in 2021 read RMB3.135 billion, a year-on-year growth of 24.91%. To be specific, the sales of silk satin, home textile products, silk garments, accessories and other products were figured at RMB1.228 billion, RMB1.181 billion, RMB379 million, and RMB223 million, respectively, with a respective year-on-year increase of 46.15%, 14.72%, 9.57%, 3.54% and 56.57%. According to the monthly sales (Fig.5), except for the sales of RMB179 million in February, the sales of other months all exceeded RMB250 million. In 2021, the average monthly sales volume increased by 24.91% year on year, showing that the silk domestic sales market gradually recovered.

1.3.2 The silk commodity exports witnessed a robust rebound

1.4 Market situation of cocoon and silk trading

Since the beginning of 2021, with the overall easing of the COVID-19 pandemic, the rigid demand of domestic and foreign silk markets gradually recovered. In addition, due to the reduction of cocoon production in some areas and enterprises’ hoarding, the supply of raw materials remained tight, and the price of cocoon silk steadily increased. As of the end of May 2021, the prices of dried cocoons and raw silk (grade 4A) had reached 148,400 yuan/t and 449,700 yuan/t, respectively, up by 36.90% and 36.89% from the end of last year. On May 31, 2021, the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China issued a public announcement on releasing the 900.49 t reserved to the market, which promptly curbed the irrational rise of domestic cocoon and silk prices. In the second half of the year, the prices of dry cocoon and raw silk remained relatively stable, fluctuating within a narrow range. By the end of December 2021, the prices of dried cocoons and raw silk (grade 4A) were 148,500 yuan/t and 450,000 yuan/t respectively, which increased by 25.53% and 24.07% respectively compared with the beginning of the year. The market vitality was constantly spurred. The above-mentioned information is as shown in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8.

(Source: Journal of Silk)

《ISU NEWS》第3期 | 中国丝绸行业2021年运行阐发

表1 2021年各省市丝绸次要产物产量情状

Tab.1 The output of main silk products in various provinces and cities in 2021


《ISU NEWS》第3期 | 中国丝绸行业2021年运行阐发

表2 2021年丝绸行业次要经济目标改变情状

Tab.2 The changes in the main economic indicators of the silk industry in 2021


《ISU NEWS》第3期 | 中国丝绸行业2021年运行阐发

表3 2021年中国实丝绸商品主销市场出口情状

Tab.3 The export information of the major export markets of China’s silk products in 2021


《ISU NEWS》第3期 | 中国丝绸行业2021年运行阐发

表4 2021年各省市实丝绸商品出口情状

Tab.4 The export information of silk products in various provinces and cities of China in 2021


《ISU NEWS》第3期 | 中国丝绸行业2021年运行阐发

图1 2021年规模以上丝绸企业营业收进情状

Fig.1 Operating income of enterprises above the designated size in 2021

《ISU NEWS》第3期 | 中国丝绸行业2021年运行阐发

图2 2021年丝绸行业各子行业利润情状

Fig.2 Profits of various sub-industries regarding silk in 2021

《ISU NEWS》第3期 | 中国丝绸行业2021年运行阐发

图3 2021年1-12月丝绸行业营业收进增速情状

Fig.3 The growth status of operating income in the silk industry from January to December of 2021

《ISU NEWS》第3期 | 中国丝绸行业2021年运行阐发

图4 2021年1-12月丝绸行业利润增速情状

Fig.4 The growth status of profits in the silk industry from January to December of 2021

《ISU NEWS》第3期 | 中国丝绸行业2021年运行阐发

图5 2021年丝绸内销金额月度情状

Fig.5 Monthly amount of domestic silk sales in 2021

《ISU NEWS》第3期 | 中国丝绸行业2021年运行阐发

图6 2021年实丝绸次要商品出口金额情状

Fig.6 The export value of major silk products in 2021

《ISU NEWS》第3期 | 中国丝绸行业2021年运行阐发

图7 2021年1-12月干茧价格走势

Fig.7 The price trend of dried cocoons from January to December of 2021

《ISU NEWS》第3期 | 中国丝绸行业2021年运行阐发

图8 2021年1-12月4A级生丝价格走势

Fig.8 The price trend of 4A-class raw silk from January to December of 2021



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《ISU NEWS》第3期 | 中国丝绸行业2021年运行阐发


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