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1.How much did the foundation actually give to the university?




2.What is the woman’s suggestion to the man?

A.He should ask the instructor about it.

B.He should read the instruction book.

C.He should have the table installed.

3.What does the man really want to do?

A.Edit an advertisement.

B.Work as an editor.

C.Find a job.

4.Why did Katie look unhappy?

A.Because she just lost her job.

B.Because she failed to find a job.

C.Because she was sick and felt terrible.

5.What does the woman imply?

A.She can’t help the man carry the computer.

B.She is feeling too dizzy to go downstairs.


C.She thinks the man can carry the computer himself.




6.What’s the weather been like recently?



C.Sunny. [来


7.What is the temperature now?




8.What is expected this afternoon?



C.Cold air.


9.Where does the man learn about the house?

A.From the advertisement.

B.From his friend.

C.From the owner.

10.What is the price of the house?

A.About 40,000 dollars.

B.About 150,000 dollars.

C.About 190,000 dollars.

11.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man decides to buy the house.

B.The house is in South Florida Street.

C.The house suits the man’s family.


12.Why are some experts strongly encouraging arm exercises?

A.Because our arms are often too fat.

B.Because our arms are often too soft.

C.Because arm exercises can build up our health.

13.What will happen to your blood pressure when you do arm exercises?



C.Keep normal.

14.What should be done to match the arm exercises?

A.Leg exercises.


C.Waist exercises.


15.When will the man buy the paintings?


B.This weekend.


16.What kind of color will the walls probably be?




17.What do we know about the man?

A.He is decorating his new house.

B.He will buy a red sofa.

C.He is a Chinese.


18.What is a terminal degree?

A.A bachelor’s degree.

B.A technical associate degree.

C.A degree which is designed for transfer.

19.What is the length of credit hours for a B. A.?

A.72 semester hours.

B.95 quarter hours.

C.120 semester hours.

20.What can we learn about American degrees?

A.The associate degree takes about 2 years when one is enrolled full time.

B.The master’s takes about 2 to 2.5 years.

C.All associate degrees can be transferred to a bachelor’s.


Text 1

M:I know the foundation has given the university$20,000 to improve the library.

W:$20,000!They gave twice that amount.My aunt told me all about it.She’s been working in the president’s office since the 1990s.

Text 2

M:I simply can’t get this new table put together in the proper way.

W:If you followed the instructions step by step,you would find everything fits together properly.

M:That sounds reasonable.

Text 3

M:I’d like to speak to the manager,please.

W:May I know what it is about?

M:I’d like to see him about the position advertised in today’s newspaper.

W:Certainly.Just wait here for a while,he is making a phone call.

Text 4

M:Hi,Katie.How was your day?


M:Why? What happened?

W:Nothing.That’s the problem.I’ve been looking for a job now for over a month.And I can’t find one.

Text 5

M:I know you’re busy studying,Lena,but could you help me for a few minutes?

W:What do you need?

M:Would you give me a hand carrying this computer up the stairs to the lab? It’s heavier than I thought,and I can’t lift it myself.

W:Normally I would,but I get dizzy climbing high flights of stairs.

Text 6

M:It is boiling today,isn’t it?

W:Yes,it’s very hot and stuffy(闷的).

M:It’s been looking like rain for several days.But it hasn’t rained yet.

W:There are thick black clouds in the sky now.It looks as if a thunder storm is coming.

M:The wind is rising.

W:It’s a bit windy.But I like the breeze.

M:It’s beginning to sprinkle.

W:The weatherman says some showers are expected this afternoon.

M:It’s turning warmer,isn’t it?

W:Yes,the temperature is going up today.The temperature has climbed to 36℃.

M:After a heavy rain,the temperature should drop a lot. [来源:Zxxk.Com]

W:Yes,there will be a cool day tomorrow.

Text 7

M:Hello.Are you the person who has a house for sale?

W:Yes,I am.

M:Well,the advertisement says it has four bedrooms and three bathrooms,just what I need for my family of six.May I ask how much you want for it?

W:I prefer not to talk about the price on the phone,but let’s say it’s around 150,000 dollars.I would also require 40,000 dollars to be paid at the time of buying.Why don’t you come by and take a look?

M:Well,I’m not sure whether I can afford such a payment of 40,000 dollars at once.But I guess it won’t hurt to see the house.If you can tell me how to get to your place from South Florida Street,my wife and I will be coming.

Text 8

M:Now some doctors are strongly encouraging arm exercises.

W:Arm exercises? Is that because arms are too fat or too soft?

M:Actually that’s not the main reason.They say that arm exercises can make you physically healthy.

W:But I was told that arm exercises could raise your blood pressure.

M:Yes,but the article I read suggests some ways to make up for that.

W:Really? How?

M:By adding leg exercises,so that the arms don’t do all the work.

W:And in return I’m sure that there’s a good chance of losing weight.

M:Sounds right to me.

W:So what exercises do the experts suggest?

M:They mentioned quite a few exercises,but one of the most popular ones is cycling.

W:Good,I must try that.

Text 9

M:I’d like to add some Chinese traditional elements in the decoration of my new house.

W:That’s great!I like this style very much.And I think if you want to embody the Chinese elements,you should use the red color.It is the most representative color in China,sometimes it is called“Chinese Red”.

M:Oh,yes,I agree with you.And as for the door and the windows,I also like to use lattice(棂).I think it is the most important element of Chinese decorating.

W:Yes,I think you have a good understanding of the Chinese style.And I suggest you’d better hang two Chinese landscape paintings.

M:Oh,that’s a good idea;I will buy them in the afternoon.And I’d like to paint the walls again and buy a new sofa.

W:What color do you want to paint?

M:I don’t know exactly,but I’d like to use fresh colors,I think these colors look vivid.

W:What about the sofa?

M:I have no idea about it.

Text 10

There are four basic types of college degrees in America,starting with the associate degree.The associate takes about two years to complete when one is enrolled full time.The bachelor’s degree takes four years of full time study with the master’s taking one to two years,and the doctor’s three to four years.The associate degree may be substituted for the first two years of a bachelor’s degree if it is a transfer degree.Not all associate degrees are designed for transfer.Some are technical degrees called terminal degrees which means they do not count toward a bachelor’s.The bachelor’s is normally required before one can work at the master’s level.Likewise,the master’s is normally required before one can work at the doctor’s level.

The length in credit hours of university degree programs varies from one school to another.In general,the A.A. is 60 semester hours or 95 quarter hours.The B.A. (or B.S.) is 120 semester hours or 185 quarter hours.The M.A. is 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours,and the Ph.D is 60 to 72 semester hours or 95 to 120 quarter hours.


1~5 CBCBA 6~10 ABAAB 11~15 CCBAC 16~20 AABCA




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