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1.When will the two speakers arrive in Naples?

A.At about 11:00 a. m.

B.At about 1:30 p. m.

C.At about 3:30 p. m.

2.Where is Anne’s father now?

A.In the hospital.

B.At work.

C.At home.

3.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman invited the man to go with her.

B.The woman has booked a ticket for the man.

C.The man can’t see the movie tonight.

4.What is the weather like in Greece in March?




5.What does the man mean?

A.He thinks he’s the right person.

B.He doesn’t want to join the group.


C.He isn’t organized enough.




6.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Their work.

B.Their lunch.

C.A leave.

7.What will the woman do next Friday?

A.Have a busy working day.

B.Work half a day.

C.Have a day off.


8.Which is not a symptom of sub-health according to the man?

A.Being hot-tempered.

B.Not wanting to eat.

C.Feeling tired.

9.What does the man suggest the woman do in the end?

A.Take a trip.

B.Do more exercise.

C.Reduce the workload.


10.Where did the“Casual Friday”practice originate?




11.How many employees are there?




12.What do we know about the man?

A.He is wearing jeans and a shirt today.

B.He used to work in England.

C.He made a policy called“Casual Friday”.


13.What is the woman’s trip like?




14.What is the weather like in the man’s place now?

A.Windy and snowy.

B.Sunny but windy.

C.Cold and wet.

15.What is the weather going to be like in the woman’s place?

A.Sunny and warm.

B.Windy and rainy.

C.Sunny but cold.

16.What will the woman do next?

A.Book a return ticket.

B.Listen to the weather forecast.

C.Go to the beach


17.Where is Copenhagen located?

A.In Faeroe Islands.

B.In Zealand.

C.In Greenland.

18.How many meters is the highest point in Denmark above the sea level?




19.Which is the largest international airport in Denmark?




20.Which country is the most important trading partner to Denmark?





Text 1

W:Peter,when shall we arrive at the airport?

M:We’ll arrive at the airport at about 11:00 a.m. and check in for the flight.The plane takes off at 1:30 p.m.and touches down in Naples about two hours later.

W:Mary will meet us at the airport.

M:That’s really nice.

Text 2

M:How’s your father,Anne? Jill told me he was sick.

W:He left the hospital this morning.But the doctor says he’ll have to stay in bed for a few days before going to work.

M:Hasn’t he retired?

W:Not yet.

Text 3

M:How I wished I could go to the movies tonight with you!

W:Why didn’t you tell me earlier? I could have booked a ticket for you.

Text 4

M:What’s the weather like in Greece?

W:It’s very pleasant.

M:What’s the weather like in spring?

W:It’s often windy in March.It’s always warm in April and May,but it rains sometimes.

Text 5

W:We should probably think about selecting someone to lead our study group.You know,somebody who is really organized.

M:Then you can count me out.

Text 6

W:Mr. Hood,could I have a word,please?

M:Oh,yes,Isabel,of course.

W:I wondered if I might have next Friday off.My sister’s arriving from Canada...er...I’d like to meet her at the airport.

M:Oh,Friday’s rather difficult.You know we have a meeting that day.What time does she arrive?

W:Well,the plane gets in at 4:00 p. m.

M:I know,Isabel!Why don’t you go off just after lunch,and then you’ll manage to get to the airport on time to meet her at four.

W:Oh,thank you very much,Mr. Hood.

Text 7

M:You look down these days.Are you sick?

W:I’m afraid not.I went to the doctor yesterday.He said there is nothing wrong with me.

M:Do you feel tired and sleepy easily,or do you have a bad appetite and cannot sleep well?

W:Yes.I’m sleepy and cannot concentrate on work every afternoon.

M:I’m afraid you are in a state of sub-health.

W:Oh,the word “sub-health” is more frequently used nowadays.But I don’t know why so many people are beaten by that.

M:It’s easy to explain.Too much pressure from work and study,long hours with computers,too much sugar consumption and so on.

W:There are complicated reasons.Are there any effective ways to prevent sub-health?

M:Conditioning your own mood is an effective way to prevent sub-health.

W:But I’m almost choked by work,study and life.

M:Don’t keep the unhappy stuff.Go on a trip for a change.

Text 8

W:Oh! Go home and change.I’ll cover for you,but do it quickly before the boss comes in.Whatever made you think to dress like that for work?

M:Polly,what day is it?

W:Now I know you have really gone mad,you don’t even know what day it is.It’s Friday,silly.

M:Exactly! Didn’t you know,the office has just introduced a new policy to make the foreigners working here feel more at home? It’s called “Casual Friday”?

W:Casual Friday? I’ve never heard of that.What is it?

M:Well,because we must wear suits every day of the week,the boss thought it would be nice to give us one day off from it,hence Casual Friday.You can wear whatever you want.

W:So that’s why you’re wearing jeans and trainers,I get it now.So,is it common in England?

M:I think the idea started originally in America,but some companies in England do it too.For example,in my old company,on Fridays you could wear whatever you wanted,but you had to pay to do so.

W:Pay? Why and how much?

M:Not much,just a couple of pounds,then the office would put all the money together and use it for something good.Sometimes for our staff Christmas party or sometimes we would give it to charity.

W:That sounds like a good idea,maybe we could try that here.If we charged 10 yuan per person,there are 10 of us here,so that’s 100 yuan.

Text 9

W:Hi,Raphael.It’s me.

M:Hi,Alice.How’s your trip?

W:Well,I’m having a great time.The weather is perfect.Every day is warm,sunny and great.I sleep late,go to the beach.How’s it there?

M:Well,it’s terrible,actually.It’s cold and it rained this morning.It’s getting colder.It’s supposed to snow tomorrow. A big storm.

W:Too bad! You should be here with me.

M:I don’t know.Maybe.

W:What do you mean,maybe?

M:Did you hear the weather report today?


M:You need to.So you can get ready.

W:Ready for what?

M:Ready for the hurricane.


M:Yeah,I saw it on TV this morning.A hurricane is coming.There will be lots of strong wind tomorrow,and heavy rain.It’s a big hurricane,and it’s coming up the coast of Mexico.

W:Hurricane? I can’t believe it.Well,today is sunny and warm.And that’s all I care about.Light wind.Beautiful weather.I’m going to the beach.I’ll worry about the hurricane later.

M:Okay.I’ll talk to you later.But be careful.

W:I’ll call you tomorrow.Bye.

Text 10

Denmark lies between 54°and 58°latitude north and 8°and 15°longitude east.In addition to Denmark itself,the kingdom also includes the Faeroe Islands(法罗群岛) and Greenland.Of these islands,the largest and most densely populated is Zealand on which the capital of Copenhagen is situated.The country has a coastline of 7,300 km in all and a 68-km-long frontier with Germany.It is a low-lying country.The highest point in the country is only 173 meters above sea level.

Denmark is well-provided with traffic systems.The road network is good everywhere in the country;railways and air links provide quick transport,and the islands are connected by ferries and a large number of bridges. Kastrup,near Copenhagen,is the largest international airport in the country and is at the same time a crossroads for air traffic to and from the other Scandinavian countries.

Denmark has an open economy,and trade with the rest of the world is of great importance.Imports and exports of goods and services thus represent,respectively,33% and 36% of the country’s GDP(2000).Around 2/3 of foreign trade is with the other countries in the EU;the remainder is divided among a very large number of trading partners,of which Norway and the USA are the most important.


谜底:1~5 CCCBC 6~10 CBAAA 11~15 ABACB 16~20 CBBCB




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