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  ( ) 1. A. sunny B. cloudy C. windy

  ( ) 2. A. mine B. his C. he

  ( ) 3. A. big B. bigger C. biggest

  ( ) 4. A. go B. goes C. went

  ( ) 5. A. Friday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday

  ( ) 6. A. bread B. juice C. tomato

  ( ) 7. A. thirty B. thirteen C. three

  ( ) 8. A. Chinese B. English C. Maths

  ( ) 9. A. on B. under C. in

  ( )10. A. glass B. class C. pass


  ( ) 1. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I didn’t. C. To the office.

  ( ) 2. A. Yes, there is. B. No, there are. C. No, there aren’t.

  ( ) 3. A. I watched TV. B. He went swimming. C. Yes, I did.

  ( ) 4. A. It’s that. B. It’s mine. C. It’s the short one.

  ( ) 5. A. Sausages and burgers. B. Yes, I did. C. I didn’t like it.




  ( ) 1. —Can I come and see you this afternoon?

   A. Excuse me, please. B. Don’t walk there. C. Yes, I’m at home.

  ( ) 2. — Do you like my new bike?

  A. Yes, it’s beautiful. B. Yes, I like. C. Yes, I am.

  ( ) 3. Is this book yours? 那个句子的同义句是

  A. Whose book is it? B. Is this your book? C. Who has a book?

  ( ) 4. Tom swimming last Sunday.

  A. goes B. went C. go

  ( ) 5. What your father do yesterday?

   A. do B. did C. does

  ( ) 6. There an apple and some bread in the fridge.

   A. is B. are C. am

  ( ) 7. There books on the desk, but there any books on the desk now.

   A. are, aren’t B. were, weren’t C. were, aren’t

  ( ) 8. — Have you got a computer?  

  A. Yes, I do B. Yes, I have C. No, I don’t

  ( ) 9. Did you do your homework last night?

  A. Yes, I did B. No, I did C. Yes, I do

  ( )10. Which one is , the rabbit or the turtle?

  A. fast B. faster C. the fastest


  1. good (比力级)   2. do (过往式)  

  3. its (名词性物主代词) 4. swim (过往式)

  5. put (过往式) 6. easy (更高级)

  7. wash (三单形式) 8. you (宾格)

  9. I will(缩写形式) 10. my (名词性物主代词)


  1. bike, is, whose, this

  2. are, books, on, there, some, the desk

  3. is, there, juice, any, in the bottle

  4. Tom, had, at school, lunch

  5. did, do, your friend, what, last Sunday


  1. Tom has a car. (用we 取代Tom)

  2. Is there any food in the fridge? (做否认答复)

  3. 用 tall, taller 写两个句子。

  4. I’m ten. (对划线部门发问)

  5. I do homework every day. (用yesterday 取代 every day)



  Jim and Jack are twin (双胞胎) brothers. They are in No.14 Middle School. They are new in Mr. Hu’s class. They are English. They are 14.

  This is their room. It’s a nice room. The two beds look the same. A desk and two chairs are in the room. Their coats are on their beds. We can’t see their shoes. They’re under their beds.

  The twins have two schoolbags. They are behind the chairs. What’re in the schoolbags? We can’t see. I think they are books and pencil-boxes.

  ( ) 1. What kind of room is it? It’s .

  A. a classroom B. a bedroom

  C. a big room D. a dining-room (餐厅)

  ( ) 2. Which one (哪一个) is NOT right (对的)?

  A. Jack’s coat is on the bed. B. Jim’s shoes are under the bed.

  C. They are students. D. You can see a pen in the room.

  ( ) 3. Where do they come from (来自哪儿)?

  A. England. B. The USA. C. France. D. China.

  ( ) 4. Where’s Jack’s pencil-box?

  A. It’s on the desk. B. I think it’s on the bed.

  C. It’s on the chair. D. I think it’s in the schoolbag.

  ( ) 5. What class are they in?

  A. Class 5, Grade 1. B. Class 1, Grade 5.

  C. Class 5, Grade 5. D. We don’t know.


  Look! I have a picture. In the picture, you can see a hill, trees and a school. You can see boys and girls. They are at school. Their school is No. 4 Middle School. Joan and Jane are good friends. Joan is twelve. Jane is twelve, too. They are in the same school. They are American (美国人). Miss Gao is their teacher. She is a good teacher. She likes her students; her students like her too.

  ( ) 6. I have a .

  A. picture B. hill C. tree D. TV

  ( ) 7. What’s in the picture?

  A. Two hills, a tree and a school. B. A hill, many trees and a school.

  C. A hill, a tree and a school. D. Some hills, trees and a school.

  ( ) 8. is Joan and Jane’s teacher.

  A. Miss Liu B. Mr Ding C. Miss Gao D. Mr Hu

  ( ) 9. How old is Joan?

  A. Eleven. B. Twelve. C. Thirteen. D. Sorry, I don’t know.

  ( ) 10. Joan and Jane are in Middle School.

  A. No.1 B. No.2 C. No.4 D. No.8




  一、1. windy 2. his 3. bigger 4. goes 5. Wednesday 6. bread

  7. thirty 8. Maths 9. under 10. class


  1. Where are you going? (C) 2. Are there any apples on the desk? (C)

  3. Where did Jim go last Sunday? (B) 4. Whose book is this? (B)

  5. What would you like to eat? (A)

  三、1. bookcase 2. cross 3. answer 4. forget 5. shake

  6. understand 7. drink 8. hurt 9. grandmother 10. painting



  1. C (解析:答复一般疑问句,我们用yes/no或Of course/OK/Certainly/Sorry, but…往返答,因而只能选C。)

  2. A (解析:答复“助动词+主语+动词原形+其它部门?”构成的一般疑问句,我们用“Yes,主语+助动词”来表达必定答复,有时候我们也会闻声人只用“Yes+如斯表述的原因”来表达必定答复。那就是我们为什么不选B,而要选A的原因。)

  3. B (解析:题干问句的意思是“那本书是你的吗?”假设要换一种说法,当然是“那是你的书吗?”最切近原意了,因而选B。A项的语义范畴比原句要广,C项与原句的意思相差就更远了,因而都不进选。)

  4. B (解析:由题干的last Sunday可知谓语动词要用过往式,因而只能选B。)

  5. B (解析:同第4题。)

  6. A (解析:本题考察there be句型主谓一致的内容。there be句型遵照就近一致原则,也就是说紧跟be动词的那一个名词决定了be动词的单复数形式。本句紧跟be动词的是an apple,故be动词要用is。)

  7. C (解析:本题考察学生对时态及语义逻辑的运用,题干是说以前桌上有书,但如今桌上一本书都没有了,因而第一个分句用过往时,第二个分句用如今时,故选C。)

  8. B (解析:本题考察have got。have got常呈现在英式英语的白话中,意思相当于have,表达“有”。have got构造的一般疑问句是把have提早,如本题的题干,答复那类一般疑问句时,必定答复是Yes, 主语+have;否认答复是No, 主语+have+not /主语+haven’t。)

  9. A (解析:见下面的常识链接。)

  10. B (解析:本题考察比力级。两者之间的比力只能用比力级,三者或三者以上才气用更高级。本题只比力了the rabbit和the turtle,因而要用比力级。故选B。)


  一种是“be动词+主语+其它部门?”必定答复用“Yes,主语+be动词”,主语和be动词不克不及缩写,如:Yes, I am就不克不及写成Yes, I’m;否认答复用“No,主语+be动词+not”,be动词和not可用缩写形式,如:No, she is not就能够写成并且一般也会写成No, she isn’t。

  另一种是“助动词/情态动词+主语+动词原形+其它部门?”必定答复用“Yes,主语+助动词/情态动词”(假设是情态动词引导的,我们还可用Of course / OK/Certainly来表达必定答复);否认答复用“No,主语+助动词/情态动词+not” (假设是情态动词引导的,我们还可用Sorry来表达否认答复)。情态动词或助动词也常用缩写形式。


  1. better

  2. did (不规则动词过往式过往分词表见 )

  3. its 4. swam 5. put 6. easiest 7. washes

  8. you 9. I’ll 10. mine


  1. Whose bike is this? 2. There are some books on the desk.

  3. Is there any juice in the bottle? 4. Tom had lunch at school.

  5. What did your friend do last Sunday?


  1. We have a car. (主语改变后,必然要看谓语是不是也要做出响应改变,本题的主语由Tom酿成we,意味着主语由单数酿成了复数,因而谓语也要由单数的has酿成复数形式的have。)

  2. No, there isn’t.

  3. a. Jim is tall. b. Jack is taller than Jim. 4. How old are you?

  5. I did homework yesterday. (时间发作改变,阐明时态要发作响应的改变。本题由every day酿成yesterday,意味着一般如今时要酿成过往时,那谓语必定要酿成过往式did了。)



  1. B (解析:由第二段的“The two beds”可知那篇短文描写的是一个bedroom。)

  2. D (解析:由第二段的“Their coats are on their beds”可知A项准确;由第二段的“We can’t see their shoes. They’re under their beds.”可知B项准确;由第一段的“They are in No.14 Middle School. They are new in Mr. Hu’s class.”可知C项准确,那独一不准确的就是D了,恰是本题的谜底。)

  3. A (解析:由第一段的“They are English”可知两兄弟是英国人,那就必定是来自England了。)

  4. D (解析:由最初一段的“What’re in the schoolbags? We can’t see. I think they are books and pencil-boxes.”可知Jack的pencil-box有可能在他的schoolbag里,因而选D。)

  5. D (解析:文中并没有提到他们在哪个年级哪个班,只说他们在Mr. Hu’s的班上,是14岁,由此我们其实不能妄下揣度说他们必然在哪个年级哪个班,故选D。)


  6. A (解析:由第二句“I have a picture”可知谜底。)

  7. B (解析:由第三句“In the picture, you can see a hill, trees and a school.”可知B项准确。)

  8. C (解析:由倒数第三句“Miss Gao is their teacher”可知谜底。)

  9. B (解析:由第八句“Joan is twelve.”可知谜底。)

  10. C (解析:由第六句“Their school is No. 4 Middle School.”可知谜底。)


  Last Sunday, I went to the zoo with my parents. We saw many animals there. Of all the animals, I like the big Pandas the best. There are 6 big Pandas in the zoo. But only two of them were walking around. The others were sleeping soundly. What a pity! Mother told me it was because of the hot day. I understand. It was really hot that day. But I still had a good day and I still like the big Pandas the best. Hope you will like them too!


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