“中华前锋人物故事汇”系列丛书,用前锋的故事为孩子树立人生楷模Chinese Pioneers Story Collection

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“中华前锋人物故事汇”系列丛书,用前锋的故事为孩子树立人生楷模Chinese Pioneers Story Collection

“中华前锋人物故事汇”系列丛书,用前锋的故事为孩子树立人生楷模Chinese Pioneers Story Collection


In November, 2022, the results of the collection of typical cases of The Belt and Road Initiative publishing cooperation and the selection of international talents were officially announced.


The co-publication of Chinese Pioneers Story Collection by Party Building Books Publishing House and Jieli Publishing House was selected as a typical case.

“中华前锋人物故事汇”系列丛书,用前锋的故事为孩子树立人生楷模Chinese Pioneers Story Collection


信息来源: 国际出书周报

Information from International Publishing Weekly‍‍‍‍‍

“中华前锋人物故事汇”系列丛书,用前锋的故事为孩子树立人生楷模Chinese Pioneers Story Collection




German educator Fröbel once said: "Education is nothing but a concern for love and role model. The example you set, is exactly what your child will be."


Chinese Pioneers Story Collection is mainly for young readers aged 7 to 14, trying to help children set up a correct outlook on life, the world and values through pioneers‘ stories, to guide them to realize their life values in the contribution to the country, the people and humankind, as well as to be a great person.


At present, three batches of Chinese Pioneers Story Collection have been published, with a total of 60 titles. The fourth batch is coming soon.


Chinese Pioneers Story Collection has received the attention and appreciation of all walks of life, and successively won more than 10 important national awards, including the 5th Chinese Government Publication Award Book Award, and was selected as the key publication of Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China many times, Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China's "100 Recommended Excellent Publications to National Teenagers in 2022" and Xinhua's Top Ten Books in 2021 and etc.


系列介绍 ‍

“中华前锋人物故事汇”系列丛书,用前锋的故事为孩子树立人生楷模Chinese Pioneers Story Collection


Chinese Pioneers Story Collection

(The 1st. Batch) (15 titles)


Published in 2019

分册图书 Titles


Jiao Yulu: Bury Me beneath the Dune


Gu Wenchang: The Green Butterfly


Kong Fansen: The Red Willow on Plateau


Yang Shanzhou: The Kernel Picker


Liao Junbo: The Leader Who Always Bears the Most


Qian Xuesen: Craters on the Moon


Hua Luogeng: The Math Master from a Small Grocery Shop


Wang Xuan: The‘Whimsical’Science Fighter


Wang Jinxi: The Worker Named "Iron Man"


Chinese Astronauts: The Dream Pursuers in the Space


Lei Feng: A Drop in the Sea


Wang Jie: The Hero Dream of Nicknamed Pony


Chang Xiangyu: Chinese Opera Matters the Most


Zhang Haidi: The Farstrider on the Wheelchair


Chinese Women Volleyball Team: Never Give up

“中华前锋人物故事汇”系列丛书,用前锋的故事为孩子树立人生楷模Chinese Pioneers Story Collection


Chinese Pioneers Story Collection

(The 2nd. Batch) (15 titles)


Published in 2020

分册图书 Titles


Zhong Nanshan: The Guardian of Life


Tu Youyou:Artemisinin Hits the World


Chen Jingrun : Pick the Pearl on the Crown of Mathematics


Li Siguang: A Treasure Miner


Yuan Longping: Father of Hybrid Rice


Deng Jiaxian: The Soaring Mushroom Clouds


Sun Jiadong: The Space Dream of Father of Satellite


Li Baoguo: The Modern Yugong in Taihang Mountains


Huang Danian: The Scientist who Performs

CT Scan for the Earth


Luo Yang: Devoted His Whole Life to Chinese Aircraft


Huang Wenxiu: A Flower Never Withered


Shen Hao: The Forever Fingerprint


Gong Quanzhen: The Caring Granny with Children

deep in Mountains


Shi Chuanxiang: The Most Brilliant Nightman


Xu Zhenchao: The Boy Who Dreamed Operating Crane

“中华前锋人物故事汇”系列丛书,用前锋的故事为孩子树立人生楷模Chinese Pioneers Story Collection


Chinese Pioneers Story Collection

(The 3rd. Batch) (30 titles)


Published in 2021

分册图书 Titles


Gao Derong: Leading the Villag to Get out of Poverty


Shen Jilan: A Wonderful Lady in the Xigou Village


Song Yushui: A Lawyer with a Big Heart


Wang Youde: Magician of Desertification


Li Peibin: A Thoughtful Mediator to Everyone


Wu Daguan: Aero-engine Made in China


Huang Xuhua: Devoted to Explore the Underwater World


Sun Yongcai: ‍‍‍‍Make Chinese High-speed Rail Hit the World Record‍‍‍


Tan Zhuqing: "Chairwoman" of the Community


Wu Liangyong: The Master Who Saved Hutong


Fan Jinshi: Daughter of Dunhuang


Xu Haifeng:From "Slingslot King" to World Champion


Yao Ming: The Walking Greatwall


Kuerban Niyazi: Devoted His Heart to His Country


Mao Dun: The Eagle Flying out of the Midnight


Xie Jin: Present China with Movies


Guo Lanying: An Unforgettable Singer


Shi Guangnan: A Composer Who Grows Bean Sprouts


Tai Lihua: The Silent Dancer


Zhang Binggui: Human Weigher and Calculator

《王顺友: 大凉山的期看信使》

Wang Shunyou: A Postman of Hope from Daliang Mountain


Gu Fangzhou: Inventor of the Sugar-coated Polio Vaccine


Jia Liqun: Expert of B-scan Ultrasonography

at the Children's Hospital


Wu Dengyun: A Doctor on Horseback


Lin Junde: Nuclear Hero from Malan


Li Yannian: From a Swineherd to a Hero


Zhang Fuqing: Secrets in a Old Suitcase


Fang Yonggang: A Fighter on the Platform


Zhang Chao: An Unforgettable Pilot


Jiang Zhuying: Pursuit of Light

“中华前锋人物故事汇”系列丛书,用前锋的故事为孩子树立人生楷模Chinese Pioneers Story Collection


Chinese Pioneers Story Collection

(The 4th. Batch) (20 titles)


Will be published in 2022

分册图书 Titles


Staffs in Saihanba Forestry Farm: Bare to Green


Pan Jianwei: The One Who Keeps the Key of Quantum


Yu Yi: The Anthem of Lifetime Teaching


Cheng Kaijia: The Nuclear Command with Identity Disguised


Dugima: A Mother on the Praire with 28 Orphans


Zhang Guimei:The Mother-like Headmaster on the Lion Mount


Qu Duyi: The Melody Forever Young


Mei Lanfang:The Master of Beijing Opera


Lu Yao: The Writer Who Grew up on Loessland


The Team of Chang'e Moon Lander:

The Treasure Hunter on the Moon


Mao Yisheng: The Father of Modern Bridge Construction


Wu Mengchao: Perfect Sympathy and Sincere Treatment


Ye Duzheng: The Meteorologist Researching Climate Control


The Team of Beidou Navigation Satellite System:

The Lighthouse Lightening the Sky


Qin Yi: The Beauty of Life


Chen Jiageng: The Model of Overseas Chinese


Lv Qiming: Play My Beloved Lute


Zhang Boli: The Academician,The Warrior


Zou Bihua: The Light Lighter


The Team of Shenzhou Spacecrafts:

The Guardian of Sky Vessel




Till December, 2022, the distribution number of Chinese Pioneers Story Collection is over 9.75 million copires, the turnover is over 157 million RMB. ‍


Distribution number of Zhong Nanshan: The Guardian of Life

is over 660,000 copies.


Zhong Nanshan: The Guardian of Life


By Li Qiuyuan






How can an adventurousnaughty boy decide what he has been pursuing all his life? How would a young man who used to be a master runner become a good healer? What hardships has a middle-aged man gone through after a long way away from his career? An old man who has gone through all kinds of hardships, how comes he can save the day twice when the virus is raging? Zhong Nanshan is an academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and a respiratory specialist. With honesty and great love, he devotes his heart and life for people all around the world, which perfectly represents the duties of academicians, the bravery of soldiers and the responsibility of national scholars.


4 titles have a circulation of more than 200,000 copies.

“中华前锋人物故事汇”系列丛书,用前锋的故事为孩子树立人生楷模Chinese Pioneers Story Collection


Chinese Astronauts: The Dream Pursuers in the Space


By Ge Jing


离心计心情操练,他们要体验 8 个G的压力,觉得似乎身上站着一头大象。他们手边有一个红色按钮,按下它就能够暂停操练,但二十年来没有一小我碰过。





Whatkind of tests does one need to pass to be an astronaut?

For centrifuge training, they have tobear the pressure of 8 gravities and feel as if an elephant were standing on them. They have a red button at hand, which can be pressed to stop training, but no one has touched it for twenty years.

During the training, every muscle and bone in their bodies shook violently, as if being hit all the time.

For field survival training, they have to camp in desert, rain forest and other no-man's land to survive with limited supplies ...

They go through hundreds of courses and trainings, endless examinations, the bitterness of being separated from their family ...

However, every astronaut in China, whether or not he has gone into space, has never changed their devotion and determination.

“中华前锋人物故事汇”系列丛书,用前锋的故事为孩子树立人生楷模Chinese Pioneers Story Collection


Yuan Longping: Father of Hybrid Rice


By Deng Xiangzi, Xie Changjiang






Yuan Longping is a scientist and a "magician". He cultivatesrice with long ears and large grains, which has changed the rice yield of one acre from about 200 kg to more than 1,000 kg.

Yuan Longping is a dreamer. He has a dream in his heart: one day, the rice will grow as tall as sorghum, ears as long as brooms, and grains as big as peanuts and he can sit under the ears of rice and enjoy the cool tea with his friends.

Yuan Longping did only one thing in hiswhole life: he spent 60 years researching, applying and popularizing hybrid rice, which enabled more than one billion people in China to have enough to eat, and made outstanding contributions to China's food security, agricultural scientific development and world food supply. He is called the "father of hybrid rice".

When he was a youthful teacher, he had the courage to challenge the world authority. When he was over 80 years old and became famous all over the world, he remained indifferent to fame and fortune and painstakingly studied in the fields.

Yuan Longping is "the father of hybrid rice" and winner of Medal of the Republic. He has brought hope and harvest for mankind to overcome hunger.


Chinese Women Volleyball Team:

Never Give up


By Ge Jing





她们是如何以血肉之躯,创造出了如许灿烂的战绩? 她们在胜利的背后,咽下了几失败和痛苦的泪水?郎平,墨婷,惠若琪…… 那些熟悉的名字背后,有着如何的动听故事?


There are such a group of girls who, under extremely hard training conditions, have created alegendof "five consecutive championships" in the world volleyball with tenacious will and indomitable spirit.

At the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, theytopped the "group of death" with strong perseverance, defeated Serbia, a strong enemy, and won the championship again after twelve years.

They have made the "women's volleyball spirit" an immortal banner, inspiring generations of Chinese.

They are the kings who never give up.

How did theyset such a brilliant record with flesh and blood? How many tears of failure and pain did they swallow behind their success? Lang Ping, Zhu Ting, Hui Ruoqi … What kind of touching stories are behind these familiar names?

Let the mysterious world of China Women's Volleyball Team reveal the secrets of their success!

“中华前锋人物故事汇”系列丛书,用前锋的故事为孩子树立人生楷模Chinese Pioneers Story Collection


Qian Xuesen: Craters on the Moon


By Xu Lu




The American said, "He is worth five divisions by himself."

He said himself, "Myonly passion is serving my country. My root is in China. "

Qian Xuesen is the people's scientist, the founder of China's space industry, the founder of "two bombs and one satellite", and he’s known as the father of China's space, the father of China's missiles and the King of rockets. In order to realize the ideal of "saving China by aviation", he went to study abroad. At the age of 28, he became a world-famous aerodynamicist, and at the age of 36, he became a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Imprisonment can't kill his pure dedication to his country. He went through hardships and finally returned to his motherland. With tenacity and the spirit of seeking, he participated in the amazing feat of "two bombs and one satellite" in the land of China, which was in a time of rebuilding. His whole life, like the asteroid named after him, shines brightly.


5 titles have a circulation of more than 100,000 copies.

“中华前锋人物故事汇”系列丛书,用前锋的故事为孩子树立人生楷模Chinese Pioneers Story Collection


Hua Luogeng: The Math Master from a Small Grocery Shop


By Xu Lu


靠着固执的毅力和对数学的热爱,华罗庚自学成才,从江南小镇来到清华园,继而走出国门,远赴英国剑桥大学进修,最末成为一代数学巨匠,被誉为“中国现代数学之父”。他是中国解析数论的开创人与奠定者,是中国在世界上最有影响力的数学家,被芝加哥科学手艺博物馆列为当今世界八十八位数学伟人之一。 ‍‍‍‍‍

新中国成立后,远在美国讲学的华罗庚打破重重阻力决然回国,投身祖国的科学事业。 ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍


Hua Luogeng was born and raised in a poor family. After graduating from junior high school, he dropped out of school and helped his father to look after the grocery store. However, he developed a strong interest in mathematics, and often became fascinated with books, forgetting to greet the customers.

With tenacious perseverance and love for mathematics, Hua Luogeng came to Tsinghua University from a small town in the south of the Yangtze River self-taughtly, then went abroad to Cambridge University for further study, eventually becoming a mathematic master of his generation, known as "the father of modern Chinese mathematics". He is the founder of analytic number theory in China and the most influential Chinese mathematician in the world. He is listed as one of the 88 great mathematicians in the world by Chicago Science and Technology Museum.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Hua Luogeng, who was lecturing far away in the United States, broke through many obstacles and returned to China to devote himself to the scientific cause of his motherland. Many mathematical theorems and methods were named after him and are like bright pearls shining in the mathematical kingdom of mankind.

“中华前锋人物故事汇”系列丛书,用前锋的故事为孩子树立人生楷模Chinese Pioneers Story Collection


Lei Feng: A Drop in the Sea


By Xu Lu


十七岁时,他是团山湖农场的挈拉机手。为了操练开挈拉机,食饭的时候,他还像坐在挈拉机上,不断地扭捏。他还捐出本身全数的积存,帮农场购置挈拉机。 ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

十九岁时,他是运输连的一名新兵,他像敬服本身的眼睛一样敬服车辆,把它擦得闪闪发光;晚上他静静起身,频频操练投手榴弹,曲到把胳膊累得又肿又红。 ‍

二十岁时,他担任少先队辅导员,业余时间查抄学生们的功课本,书包里永久放着要看的书…… ‍‍

“把有限的生命,投进到无限的‘为人民办事’之中往“,雷锋用他短暂的生命践行了那句话,成为几代人的人生楷模。 ‍‍‍‍‍‍

Lei Feng became an orphan before he was only seven years old.

At the age of 17, he was a tractor driver at Tuanshan Lake Farm. In order to practice driving, he would eat while sitting on the tractor, thus shaking uncontrollably. He also donated all his savings to help the farm buy tractors.

At the age of 19, he was a new recruit in the transportation company. He took care of the vehicle like his own eyes and polished it to shine. He got up quietly at night and practiced throwing grenades repeatedly until his arms were swollen and red with fatigue.

At the age of 20, he worked as a counselor of the Young Pioneers, checking students' exercise books in his spare time, and always kept books to read in his schoolbag ...

"Put your limited life into infinite' serving the people'", Lei Feng practiced thismotto with his short-lived life and became a life example for generations.

“中华前锋人物故事汇”系列丛书,用前锋的故事为孩子树立人生楷模Chinese Pioneers Story Collection


Tu Youyou:Artemisinin Hits the World


By Xu Lu






Tu Youyou was the first Chinese scientist to win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

In her childhood, which suffered from wars and diseases, an old doctor cured her malaria with herbs, sowing the seeds of Tu Youyou's curiosity to explore the mystery of Chinese herbal medicine.

When she was young, Tu Youyou chose to study pharmacognosy , which is the closest subject to Chinese herbal medicine, and spent all her time in the laboratory accompanied by the faint scent of medicine.

Millions of people all over the world are dying of malaria every year. In order to develop medicine to cure malaria, Tu Youyou has gone through hundreds of experiments. After hundreds of failures and even experiments on herself, she finally extracted artemisinin from Chinese herbal medicine Artemisia annua, saving countless lives.

In the hands of Tu Youyou, Artemisia annua has become a magic medicine for saving lives, leaving a great mark in the history of human medicine, while she is still simple and silent like grass.

“中华前锋人物故事汇”系列丛书,用前锋的故事为孩子树立人生楷模Chinese Pioneers Story Collection


Zhang Haidi: The Farstrider on the Wheelchair


By Tang Sulan




Because of the illness, Zhang Haidi can't walk anymore since she was five, but can only live in a wheelchair. Faced with the fate of lifelong disability, the little girl whose life has just begun resolutely chose to keep going. ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

She taught herself acupuncture in order to save more people from suffering. Because of the pain, s he can't go to school, but she never gave up studying. Even in the bed after the operation, she kept reading. At the age of 28, Zhang Haidi picked up the pen and began to write, and successfully created many literary works such as The Dream In the Wheelchair .

Zhang Haidi didn't give up dream of her life because of physical disability. Instead, the bad luck and suffering nourished her great heart. Zhang Haidi can't walk, but on the road of life, she has gone further and better.

“中华前锋人物故事汇”系列丛书,用前锋的故事为孩子树立人生楷模Chinese Pioneers Story Collection


Deng Jiaxian: The Soaring Mushroom Clouds


By Wang Lili





He loves reading. When he was five, he can already memorize all the contents in The Confucian Analects and The Book of Songs. ‍‍‍

He loves exploring. To better serve his country, he went to study in the United States and returned nine days after receiving his doctoral degree.

He had great ambitions. Without hesitation, he went incognito for 28 years to develop atomic and hydrogen bombs. He said, "If I do this well, my life will be worth living."

He made outstanding achievements. He is Deng Jiaxian, a famous nuclear physicist , the "Father of two bombs", and the main designer of China's first atomic bomb and the first hydrogen bomb theory. In order to make China stronger, Deng Jiaxian devoted his whole life to nuclear weapon development, and raised the national self-defense weapons to the advanced level of the world.




Chinese Pioneers Story Collectionhas 23 titles sold to 8 countries and regions and 6 languages (Korean, Turkish, Thai, Nepali, Urdu and Traditional Chinese).


In the process of translation, foreign publishers are very strict and serious in choosing and matching translators. In order to rebuild the writing style of the original text to the greatest extent and ensure the accuracy of the translation, overseas sinologists who are proficient in Chinese are invited to translate. At the same time,we also invite authoritative foreign language experts in China to review and double-check the translations.

“中华前锋人物故事汇”系列丛书,用前锋的故事为孩子树立人生楷模Chinese Pioneers Story Collection

“中华前锋人物故事汇”系列丛书,用前锋的故事为孩子树立人生楷模Chinese Pioneers Story Collection

“中华前锋人物故事汇”系列丛书,用前锋的故事为孩子树立人生楷模Chinese Pioneers Story Collection

“中华前锋人物故事汇”系列丛书,用前锋的故事为孩子树立人生楷模Chinese Pioneers Story Collection

“中华前锋人物故事汇”系列丛书,用前锋的故事为孩子树立人生楷模Chinese Pioneers Story Collection

“中华前锋人物故事汇”系列丛书,用前锋的故事为孩子树立人生楷模Chinese Pioneers Story Collection



At present, many titles in Nepalese have been published with proper promotion in the local mainstream media by Current Publishing. On August 31, 2021, Weekly Naya Current published a column book review, focusing on the Nepalese version of Chinese Women Volleyball Team:Never Give up and Zhong Nanshan: The Guardian of Life.

“中华前锋人物故事汇”系列丛书,用前锋的故事为孩子树立人生楷模Chinese Pioneers Story Collection

责任编纂:金贤玲 刘宇欣

责任审校:廖思拍 李姝依

部门信息来源: 国际出书周报

Information from International Publishing Weekly





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