试讲试题 |英语《What time is it?》-传闻课

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今日——英语《What time is it?》-传闻课




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1.标题问题:四年级《What time is it?》片段教学


试讲试题 |英语《What time is it?》-传闻课








Teaching objectives:

1. Students can understand the conversation.

Students can read, understand and use the sentences “ What time is it?”; “It’s...”

2. Students can develop the abilities of speaking and communicating in the real situations through different activities.

Students’ listening ability will be also improved by listening to the tape and finishing some listening tasks.

Through group work, students can learn how to cooperate with others.

3.Students will be interested in learning English through activities and games. And they can speak and be willing to participate in communication actively. What’s more, it enlarges students’ knowledge about the time and cultivates their enthusiasm for daily life and English learning.

Key points:

1. Students understand the sentences “ What time is it?”; “It’s...”

2. Students can use these certain expressions to communicate with others.

Difficult points:

Students can use the key sentences flexibly in different situations.

Teaching Procedure:

I. Lead-in

1. Greeting.

2. Ask students: How to say the numbers in English from 1-12.

II. Presentation

1. Teacher introduces the old friends John and Wu Yifan.

2. Teacher asks students to listen to the tape for the first time, and answer: what they are talking about?

3. Teacher encourages students to answer:

Q1: What time do john and Wu Yifan play basketball?

Q2: What time do they go home?

4. Teacher asks students to listen to the tape again and read follow the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

III. Practice and Consolidation

Activity 1

Teacher asks students to look at the activity “Let’s play” on your books and answer: “Who are they?” “What are they talking about?”

Activity 2

Teacher asks students to make a conversation according to their dialogue.

Activity 3

Teacher asks students to look at the PPT (there are many clocks) and answer what time is it and what do you do at that time?

IV. Summary

Students summarize what they have learnt in this lesson and the teacher gives supplements if necessary. Enlarge students’ knowledge about the time and cultivate their enthusiasm for daily life and English learning.

V. Homework

Students make their own timetable according to their schedule.

VI. Blackboard Design

试讲试题 |英语《What time is it?》-传闻课


I. Lead-in

T: Good morning, boys and girls. Welcome back to school. Nice to see you again.

Ss: Nice to see you, too.

T: How are you today?

S1: ...

T: I know you are not satisfied with that short rest and you didn’t get enough enjoyment, but you have to know that time is so precious that we have to balance the rest and the learning. Before the class, I will divide you into two groups, From here (手势) you are group A, you are group B. If you answer my question quickly and correctly, I will give you a smile face, one question, one smile face, can you understand?

S2: Yes!

T: Now let’s sing a song together. Please sing loudly with me, ready, go!

S3: (Song: what time is it?)

T: We have learned numbers before, do you still remember them?

S: Yes!

T: Look at the PPT, how to say it in English from 1-12, who wants to show me your answer? Ok, I see jack hand up, jack, please.

S: One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve.

T: Wow that’s great, Group A got a smile face, now let’s say it again together.

S: One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve.

II. Presentation

T: Now look at this picture. Who are they?

S: They are our old friends John and Wu Yi fan.

T: Do you want to know what they are talking about?

S: Yes, we want to know!

T: So, let’s listen to the tape for the first time. Ok, the tape is over. So who can tell me what they are talking about? Joey is the first one to hand up, so you please.

S: They are talking about time.

T: That’s good! Group B got a smile face.

T: Now open your book and turn to page 14. I have other questions.

Q1: What time do john and Wu Yi fan play basketball?

Q2: What time do they go home? Let’s read the text again to find the answers. 3 minutes for you to get that, and then I will invite you to show me your answer. You can start now.

T: Ok, stop here. The first question, who can tell me your answer? Monica, you want to have a try, go ahead.

S: They play basketball at 5 o’clock.

T: The answer is right. That is excellent. Group A got a smile face. And the second question what time do they go home? Oh. Gina hands up. Gina please.

S: It’s 6 o’clock.

T: Do you guys agree with that? You all agree with that, you are so smart. Group B got a smile face.

T: I guess you have understood this text. And next let’s listen to the tape again, please read follow the tape okay? Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation let’s go!

T: Until now you can read the text fluently. Let’s read the text by roles, ok? You can work in pairs. One is john and one is Wu Yi fan. 3 minutes for you to practice then I’m going to invite you to read for me. Ready! Start!

T: Time is up. Which group wants to read for me? Jack please.

S: …

T: Wow you guys read very well, let’s clap for them, Group A got a smile face.

III.Practice and Consolidation

T: In the following part, look at the activity “Let’s play” on your books, who are they?

S: They are Zhang Peng and Sarah.

T: What are they talking about? 2 minutes for you to have a look.

S: …

T: Stop here. Next, let’s invite a student to read the dialogue. Mike please.

S: …

T: That’s terrific, thank you. Next let’s make a conversation according to their dialogue, can you understand? 5 minutes for you to practice. You can work with you partner again. Then I will ask you to show me your conversation. Let’s begin!

S: …

T: Time is up. Any volunteers! Tony, can you? Okay go ahead!

S: It’s 10:10 p.m. in Sydney and it’s time to go to bed.

T: That’s correct. Group A got a smile face.

T: Let’s invite another group to show us, Tommy you want to have a try? Go ahead!

S: It’s 12:10 p.m. in London.

T: Yes, and you have slept at that time. That’s fantastic! Thank you for sharing. Group A got a smile face.

T: Now look at the PPT, there are many clocks. Tell me what time is it and what do you do at that time? Can you understand? The first one is…Jack please!

S: It’s 7:30 a.m. and it’s time to go to school.

T: Well done boy. The next one is? Monica, please?

S: It’s 12 o’clock a.m. and it’s time to have lunch.

T: Good job girl. The last one is? Mary.

S: It’s 9 o’clock p.m. and it’s time to sleep.

T: Very good.

IV. Summary

T: Who can tell me what we have learned in this class?

S: We learned two sentences. They are: What time is it? It’s time to do something.

T: Yes, but we also learned how to improve our listening and speaking skills.

V. Homework

T: Today’s homework is to make your timetable according to your schedule. Now let’s see who the winner is today. It’s Group A. Congratulations. Class is over, bye!

VI. Blackboard Design

试讲试题 |英语《What time is it?》-传闻课




(1)在确定的过往时间里所发作的动做或存在的形态,表达的动做或形态都已成为过往,现已不复存在。时间状语有:yesterday, last week, an hour ago, the other day, in 1982等。例如:

Where did you go just now? 适才你上哪儿往了?


When I was a child, I often played football in the street. 我是个孩子的时候,常在马路上踢足球。

Mrs. Black always carries an umbrella. 布莱克太太老是带着一把伞。(表白那是她的习惯,如今仍然陆续。)


The boy opened his eyes for a moment, looked at the captain, and then died. 那男孩眼睛睁开了一会儿,看了看船主,然后就往世了。

2.How do you overcome the difficult points in class teaching?


In order to complete the teaching objectives in class teaching, the teacher should overcome the difficult points. For this question, I have five methods in total to solve it.

Firstly, setting out from the difficult points, the teacher can set a situation that would occur in real life. The questions designed are also from easy to difficult, and the students can answer the questions step by step.

Secondly, using games to provoke students’ interest to study is also a good choice to overcome difficult points. Education is an active process and only by the active experience and practice of the subjects can they achieve the development of cognitive and lingual ability. The teacher should set from the psychological and physical features of students and make full use of students’ characteristics to design lively and interesting games.

Thirdly, the reasonable application of multi-media devices can strengthen students’ direct feelings on the knowledge. Teaching with the multi-media devices can evoke students’ learning enthusiasm and provoke their interests. Therefore, taking advantage of multi-media is by no means a good method to overcome difficult points.

Fourthly, the effective instruction of teacher is also essential for overcoming difficult points. Most of the difficult points are created by limited cognitive level of students; therefore, the guiding role of teacher is very important for the quality of student’s learning effect. Hence, before teaching the teacher should make full preparation. Hence, before teaching the teacher should make full preparation so that he can guide the students effectively to overcome difficult points.

The fifth method is to preinstall the mistakes of students according to the difficult points and then design the exercise. The difficult points are always the ones that students tend to make mistakes in their exercise. When preparing lesson, the teacher should preinstall the mistakes that students may make and make full preparation for them.

3. What are the key points and difficult points of this class?


Key points:

(1) Students understand the sentences “What time is it?”; “It’s...”

(2) Students can use these certain expressions to communicate with others.

Difficult points:

Students can use the key sentences flexibly in different situations.









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