手机游戏 Threes! 若何才气玩高分?有何技巧?

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1. Once again, it was a random "high number" tile card (in this case, a 384 tile card) that made this run a success


2. The most difficult part of the game is to learn how to get out of a potential jam, the most dangerous of which is "staggering". This occurs when a "low number" tile card appears between two very "high number" tile cards. It is very important to remove staggering as early as possible (without replacing it with another staggering).

3. I dont use so-called center or corner strategy. Instead, I make it a priority to keep the "high number" tile card that I want to match against the wall, preferably not in a corner. This way, when a random "high number" tile card appears on the same wall, I can get to that card quickly to match.

4. While the game undoubtedly requires skills to win, the "element" of chance plays a significant role in this game. In fact, I would argue that chance dominates over skills in the later levels. I found it simply too difficult to maintain two separate chains to create two identical "high number" card tiles to merge. Instead, my strategy is to create only one "high number" tile card of each kind, so that whatever the random "high number" tile card appears, you can make use of it to escalate.

5. The game is quite taxing to play at the later levels. Near the end, I was keeping count of the 1s and 2s that were appearing and would frequently change my strategy when I could count on the fact that these tiles might not appear for awhile (assuming the stack theory is correct; see #6).

6. I, too, am convinced that there is some unknown stack from which the tile cards are drawn and this stack gets renewed and reshuffled.

7. I am fairly convinced that, given a number of open rows or columns where a new tile card can appear, their probabilities are NOT equal. More often than not, the new tile card would appear in a "less" favorable row or column instead of a "more" favorable row or column with which I could do an immediate match. I am fully aware of the potential issue of "recall" bias

, so I welcome other players impression of this theory.



手机游戏 Threes! 若何才气玩高分?有何技巧? 期待您的回复!


