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Snowflake公司产物开发高级总监Chris Child表达,该利用框架目前处于私家预览阶段,容许开发者在雪花的数据市场上构建利用法式并将其货币化。他填补说,那些利用法式的用户能够间接在他们的Snowflake实例中安拆和运行它们。






dbInsights的首席阐发师Tony Baer表达,如今,推出原生利用法式框架的根本原理是削减构建和运行利用法式时挪动数据所需的时间和精神。







Snowflake说,包罗Capital One、LiveRamp和Informatica在内的几家公司已经利用原生利用法式框架来构建利用法式。

Capital One的利用名为Slingshot,供给数据治理,而LiveRamp和Informatica则开发了用于云成本治理、身份解析和数据集成的利用。



“跟着美圆数字越来越大,我们就必需有一种分级原则。所以,目前它从10%起头,那也是我们从数据共享起头的。跟着时间的推移,我们将根据用例对其停止改进,”Snowflake公司产物高级副总裁Christian Kleinerman说。(华东CIO大会、华东CIO联盟、CDLC中国数字化灯塔大会、CXO数字化研学之旅、数字化江湖-讲武堂,数字化江湖-大侠传、数字化江湖-论剑、CXO系列治理论坛(陆家嘴CXO治理论坛、宁波东钱湖CXO治理论坛等)、数字化转型网,走进灯塔工场系列、ECIO大会等)






该公司表达,Hybrid Tables供给快速的单行操做,并容许客户间接在Snowflake上构建事务性营业利用法式,并填补说,新东西还将容许客户对立即上下文的事务性数据停止阐发,并将Hybrid Tables与现有的Snowflake表毗连起来,以获得所有数据的整体视图。

Kleinerman表达,Adobe是Unistore的早期摘用者之一,并填补说,该公司不断在其Adobe Campaigns利用法式中利用Hybrid Tables的私家预览版。


Baer表达,将更多的阐发工做负载包罗到Snowflake数据云背后的战略是稳固其做为事务处置用例首选目标平台的地位,嵌进运营阐发,而不是与MySQL、Oracle或SQL Server争夺纯OLTP(在线事务处置)利用法式。



Constellation Research首席阐发师Doug Henschen表达,利用法式框架和Unistore的推出将进一步鞭策Snowflake的数据市场战术。



Cloud-based data warehouse company Snowflake is switching gears. Launched in 2014 with a focus on disrupting the traditional data warehouse market and big-data analytics, the company is turning its attention toward application development.

At its annual Snowflake Summit Tuesday, the company announced its Native Application Framework, which offers the ability to build and run applications inside the Snowflake Data Cloud platform.

The application framework, currently in private preview, allows developers to build applications and monetize them on Snowflake's Data Marketplace, said Chris Child, senior director of product development at Snowflake. Users of these applications can install and run them directly inside their Snowflake instances, he added.

"We're sort of evolving from a data warehouse to a data platform to a data cloud. And now we want to evolve that from a data cloud to really an application cloud," Child said.

About four years ago, with growing demand for analytics and the evolution of analytics-related architecture—such as separation of compute and storage—the company renewed efforts to make data collaboration easier within companies. That led Snowflake to recast its data warehouse, which evolved into its Data Cloud platform in 2019.

Continued attempts to ease data sharing and collaboration resulted in the company's Data Marketplace. The marketplace enables data sharing within organizations, and also allows them to give other companies access to that data, charging them for usage.

In March this year, the company launched two industry-specific data clouds, for the healthcare and retail sectors, with the intention of easing the way companies in those areas can share and monetize data sets.

Build, run and monetize apps within Snowflake

Now, the rationale behind launching the Native Application Framework is reducing the time and effort needed to move data when building and running applications, said Tony Baer, principal analyst at dbInsights.

This also means that developers will be able to build and run apps under the common Snowflake runtime, security, and governance umbrella, Baer added.

In addition to offering Snowflake functionality such as stored procedures, user-defined functions (UDFs) and user-defined table functions (UDTFs) for developers, Snowflake will add integration with open source app framework Streamlit. The integration is meant to help develop interactive customer interfaces, as well as telemetry features such as events monitoring and alerts for troubleshooting.

These features, according to Child, are still under development.

Python-based Streamlit—aimed at machine learning and data science engineering teams, to help visualize, mutate and share data—was acquired by Snowflake in March.

Native Application Framework already has users

Several companies, including Capital One, LiveRamp and Informatica, have already used the Native Application Framework to build applications, Snowflake said.

While Capital One's application, called Slingshot, offers data management, LiveRamp and Informatica have developed applications for cloud cost management, identity resolution and data integration.

The Snowflake Google Analytics and ServiceNow Connectors, both of which are in private preview, were also built using the Native Application Framework, Child said, adding that the Service Now Connector helps accelerate service desk ticket response.

The revenue-sharing agreement for applications shared through the marketplace stands at 10% of the transaction value.

"As dollar numbers get larger, then we'll have to have sort of like a grading scale. So, currently it starts at 10%, which is what we started with data sharing as well. And we will evolve it based on the use cases over time," said Christian Kleinerman, senior vice president of product at Snowflake.

Unistore aims to unite analytical, transactional workloads

As organizations look to cut down time needed for application development, there is a need to solve the challenge of siloed transactional and analytical data, which in turn creates complexities when data has to be moved between systems.

Targeting this specific issue, Snowflake on Tuesday also introduced a new product that brings analytical and transactional workloads together.

Called Unistore, and currently in private preview, the system is designed to allow development teams to expand the Data Cloud to include transactional use cases such as application-state and data serving, the company said.

In order to help Unistore build transactional applications, Snowflake is introducing a new capability called Hybrid Tables, which is also in private preview.

Hybrid Tables offer fast single-row operations and allows customers to build transactional business applications directly on Snowflake, the company said, adding that the new tool will also allow customers to perform analytics on transactional data for immediate context, and join Hybrid Tables with existing Snowflake Tables for a holistic view across all data.

Adobe is one of the early adopters of Unistore, Kleinerman said, adding that the company has been using the private preview of Hybrid Tables for its Adobe Campaigns application.

Snowflake stresses transaction processing

The strategy behind the inclusion of more analytical workloads onto the Snowflake Data Cloud, according to Baer, is to solidify its position as the preferred destination platform for transaction processing use cases, embedding operational analytics, and not to compete head on with MySQL, Oracle, or SQL Server for pure OLTP (online transaction processing) applications.

"From that standpoint, it is the mirror image of MongoDB, which is slowly adding analytics to its operational database. The goal is the same, but both players are coming at it from different starting points," Baer said.

The other difference, according to Baer, is that Snowflake is further along in being able to embed operational analytics into transactions compared to MongoDB, where for now the process is still more primitive.

The launch of the application framework along with Unistore will drive Snowflake's Data Marketplace strategy further, said Doug Henschen, principal analyst, Constellation Research.

"This is a bold announcement whereby Snowflake is bidding for customers to bring more transactional data into applications in order run a broader set of applications on Snowflake while taking advantage of the Snowflake Data Marketplace to monetize those applications," Henschen said.

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Snowflake:从数据仓库到利用云 相关回复(1)


