Inside Apple──新一代三期Fortune展示的Apple成格人文、办理工做架構、Steve Jobs和各種Apple成格的奇聞軼事。 | wa+er. 白蘋果输液 | http://whiteappleer.tw/2011/05/08/inside-apple-reveals-steve-jobs-anecdotes-apples-little-known-facts-in-fortune/?variant=zh-cn好文撷取:Inside Apple - Fortune Magazine | http://hikarufi.pixnet.net/blog/post/26946441-%E5%A5%BD%E6%96%87%E5%88%86%E4%BA%AB%EF%BC%9Ainside-apple---fortune-magazine据看完此「书」的老友讲,那本「书」文本太少,没啥新重要信息透漏。说的事都是苹果公司街道社区里头早有切磋的。大致上是把一则长的周刊特稿文本包拆袋成「书」来卖。但是假设你预先并没逃踪苹果公司的新闻报导,所以那本「书」会是两个较好的归纳。
This marks the third incarnation of Mr. Lashinskys "inside" look at the workings of Apple. The Fortune Magazine article was quite good, considering the format limitations. However, as he expanded the story, first in to a short ebook and now the full length version, cracks began to show in the material. What was informative and precise, in short form, began to read as rehashed and bloated, in longer form. Simply put, "Inside Apple" is merely a magazine article which has been padded in to a book. (Decent, but nothing new.. http://www.amazon.com/review/RBD1Z2YZK51J2/ref=cm_cr_dp_title?ie=UTF8&ASIN=145551215X&nodeID=283155&store=books)