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1、http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjI5MjY2MDYw.html视频中的布景音乐是什么? 2、求大神帮手翻译那个视频。。。。 http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMjQ5NjYwMTg4/v.swf 3、http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTY4NzI2NzYw.html 那个视频的布景音乐以及下载地址! 4、yw视频载进 失败 5、如何使那个视频在 电话首页主动播放?http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTE4MjIzNTYw/v.swf http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjI5MjY2MDYw.html视频中的布景音乐是什么?

《classicriver》源自瑞典,原唱George Benson,是一位黑人爵士乐手。歌曲有良多版本,是伤感的代表做。 classicriver 是George Benson乔治班逊原创做品,英文名《The Classic》,该曲律旋斑斓 ,歌声中总流淌着那么一丝凄凉,此中似乎躲 了太多的沧桑与无法。

求大神帮手翻译那个视频。。。。 http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMjQ5NjYwMTg4/v.swf

GarageBand 车库乐队

For the first time ever, the world's most popular music-making application comes to Ipad. Whether you're a musician who needs to write and record songs anywhere on the go, or you've never played an instrument before and you just want to have fun making some music, GarageBand and Ipad put it all in your hands wherever you are.

Ipad率先推出生避世上更受欢迎的音乐创做器。无论您是一个需要在任何处所编写和录造歌曲的忙碌 音乐家,或是从未玩过乐器但想逗乐本身造造 音乐者,GarageBand和Ipad 将它们全放在您的手里,无论您是在何处。

Just tap GarageBand to get started. There are touch instruments for people who know how to play and smart instruments for those who could use a little help to sound great. You can play the incredible touch instruments right on the screen, GarageBand senses when you play them harder or softer and the sounds response naturally just like you expect. You can switch on the ‘sustain’ and change the octave. Sought the different keyboard size and even use dual keyboards. Tap here to switch to other keyboard instruments like this classic rock organ. The dramas were just like the real thing, you can even adjust the rotating speaker; and there are incredible synth built in too!

只要点击Garage Band就能够起头了。有专为懂吹奏者供给的触摸乐器,也有智能乐器供需要搀扶帮助 的人完成悦耳的音乐。您可间接在屏幕上玩那难以想象的触摸乐器,Garage Band能够觉得您手指压力的轻重而天然做出你预期的响应声音。您能够翻开继续 (sustain)钮改动它的八音键;还能够抉择 琴键的大小,以至双键盘。

点击那里能够抉择 差别的键盘乐器,例如那个传统的摇滚风琴;它的界面好像 实在的一样,您还可调整它扭转的音箱;它还拆有难以想象的合成器。

Or choose drums and sit behind the virtual drum kit. Bang out your own beats, the drums and cymbals sound different depending on where you hit them.

There are smart instruments too, that make it easy to sound great right away, even if you’ve never played a single note. The smart guitar lets you strum chords up and down, and tap strings to play them separately; GarageBand picks a bunch of chords that always sound great together, even tap on the strings.

With ‘auto play’, GarageBand can do the picking for you; just tap any chord and you can sound like a real musician. As you’re playing any instrument, you can tap ’record’ to capture an idea whenever an inspiration strikes.

或者抉择 鼓,坐在虚拟的整副鼓套件后面,打出本身的节拍;鼓声和钹声跟着差别的敲击部位而改变 。

还有许多智能乐器,就算您从未弹过一个音符,也可以让您即刻奏出美妙 的音乐。智能吉他让您上下弹出和弦,或弹奏按住的个别琴弦。GarageBand为您选好了一系列的和弦,聚合一路

老是可以发出美妙 之音,以至是按压着琴弦的声音。

假设 翻开‘主动吹奏’,GarageBand 能够替您按弦,只要点击任何和弦,您就能表示得像实正的音乐家。您在弹奏任何乐器的时侯,每当灵感来暂时 ,您能够点击‘灌音’把它笔录 下来。

If you play guitar, just put your electric guitar into Ipad using a guitar connector; there’s lovely amazing guitar essence in stompbox effects in GarageBand; tap the ‘tuning fork’ to quickly get in tune. Then choose from classic amps like the vintage stack; just slide to switch between amps, even tap on stompboxes to add effects and create your own pedal board. Or, quickly choose from a collection of apple-designed guitar racks.

When you want to build a song, GarageBand has you covered; it’s a complete eight-track recording studio. Trim or arrange your recordings however you like; slide to bring up the mixing board and adjust the volume of each track, or solo tracks if you hear any individual instruments. Even add reverb and echo for a perfect mix.

假设 您会玩吉他,能够用吉他毗连器把您的电吉他与IPad 毗连起来。GarageBand有令人惊异的美妙单块效果器的吉他本色效果;点击‘音叉’可很快调准调子。然后抉择 典型的放大器如老式的机架,滑动就能转换放大器,以至能够点击单块效果器增加效果来创做您本身的效果照顾箱。或者,快速地从苹果设想的一批吉他机架中抉择 一个。

当您需要创做一首歌曲时,GarageBand 已为您代庖预备 好一切。那是完全 的八声道灌音室。如何剪辑和编排您的灌音都能够。滑动带出混音台,调整每个声道的音量,或只是单声道假设 听到任何独吹打器。以至能够加进 混响及反响来获得完美的混音。

When you’re ready to share your song, you can add to your Itune library or e-mail it to your friends from wherever you are. Or even open a GarageBand on your Mac to work on it some more. No matter what kind of music you want to make, you’ll love making it with GarageBand on Ipad.

当您预备 分享您的歌曲,您能够下载至您的Itune歌库里,或电邮给您的伴侣,无论您在何处。或者将GarageBand放在您的电脑上再加点功夫。无论您要创做哪种音乐,您将会喜欢Ipad的GarageBand。


http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTY4NzI2NzYw.html 那个视频的布景音乐以及下载地址!


结尾部门的布景音乐是“nothing else matters”


本来协调 幸福的家园/恩爱的小夫妻坐在长椅上/享受着星光下的平静 /相互展看 幸福的将来

无法/残暴 的征兵播送突破了那一平静 平和的画面/女人们流泪挥别火车上奔赴战场的丈夫、儿子

嗷嗷待哺的孩子/不懂什么是战争 /面带笑脸 无邪的认为父亲是往 做有意义的工作

炮烟四起/妻离子散/四处嚎喊 、哀喊

老婆、母亲满怀期看 的期待着丈夫、孩子的家书/几的家庭/与此一别即是永别

英雄纪念碑上铭刻着庇护 家园的英雄们/母亲、老婆缅怀着为国牺牲的亲人们

世界又回到了和平/一个满怀期看 的老婆抱着孩子/欣喜的比及了丈夫的回来



yw视频载进 失败

假设 说你在那个软件里面呈现了视频播放失败的情状 ,那么可能就是说你的收集并非特殊 的好,那时候你能够退出往 再从头登录一下那个软件,然后再刷新一下本身的软件,看看能否视频还会呈现播放错误的情状 。


如何使那个视频在 电话首页主动播放?http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTE4MjIzNTYw/v.swf

点开自定义---点模板---点新建模板---点创建Flash模板,把你的阿谁地址放进往 ,设置边框为无,设置好宽高,点确定,题目可有可,然后调整好大小就行了


包罗YW.855.龙物视频的词条 期待您的回复!


