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  那首歌是《my songs know what you did in the dark》《my songs know what you did in the dark》(中文:我的歌晓得你在暗中的所做所为)是由2 Chainz做词做曲,Fall Out Boy演唱的一首英文另类摇滚歌曲,发行于2013-4-16。

  歌词:(Oh,whoa,oh,oh,whoa)(喔喔,喔喔,喔喔)(Oh,oh,whoa,oh,oh,whoa)(喔喔,喔喔,喔喔喔喔)(Oh,whoa,oh,oh,whoa)(喔喔,喔喔喔喔)(Oh,oh,whoa,oh,oh,whoa)(喔喔,喔喔喔喔喔喔)Be-Be careful making wishes in the dark, dark留意阴影中的希望Can’t be sure when they’ve hit their mark是无法确定能否被额外被标识表记标帜其他事项And besides in the mean,mean time在最艰苦的日子里I’m just dreaming of tearing you apart我仅仅咒骂撕碎你的梦想I'm in the deep details with the devil吾乃恶魔之代言From underworld can never get me on my level此世界已无法满足我I just gotta get you up the cage我只想要帮你脱节那牢笼On my young, lovers rage年轻的复仇敌人Gonna need a spark to ignite用烈焰将一切化做灰烬My songs know what you did in the dark我的歌晓得你在暗中的所做所为So light em up, light em up, light em up所以燃烧吧,扑灭吧,摧毁吧I’m on fire我已欲火焚身So light em up, light em up, light em up所以燃烧吧,扑灭吧,摧毁吧I’m on fire我已欲火焚身!(Oh,whoa,oh,oh,whoa)(喔喔,喔喔,喔喔)(Oh,oh,whoa,oh,oh,whoa)(喔喔,喔喔,喔喔喔喔)(Oh,whoa,oh,oh,whoa)(喔喔,喔喔喔喔)(Oh,oh,whoa,oh,oh,whoa)(喔喔,喔喔喔喔喔喔)(In the dark, dark,In the dark, dark)(无边暗中,暗中,无边暗中,暗中)Writers keep writing what they write段子手照旧在奋笔疾书Somewhere another pretty vein just dies灿艳的火焰在伊甸园燃烧I’ve got the scars from tomorrow我已经得到的将来的赏罚and I wish you could see希望你不要重蹈覆辙That you’re the antidote to everything except for me你能够随便扑灭万物,但对我没戏A constellation of tears on your lashes你热泪盈眶Burn everything you love扑灭了你所珍爱的一切Then burn the ashes曲到它们化为灰烬In the end everything collides到最初抵触无法制止My childhood spat back out the monster that you see你就会看见我灰色童年的恶魔My songs know what you did in the dark我的歌晓得你在暗中的所做所为So light em up, light em up, light em up所以燃烧吧,扑灭吧,摧毁吧I’m on fire我已欲火焚身So light em up, light em up, light em up所以燃烧吧,扑灭吧,摧毁吧I’m on fire我已欲火焚身(In the dark, dark,In the dark, dark)(无边暗中,暗中,无边暗中,暗中)My songs know what you did in the dark我的歌晓得你在暗中的所做所为My songs know what you did in the dark我的歌晓得你在暗中的所做所为So light em up, light em up, light em up所以燃烧吧,扑灭吧,摧毁吧I’m on fire我已欲火焚身!So light em up, light em up, light em up所以燃烧吧,扑灭吧,摧毁吧I’m on fire我已欲火焚身(In the dark, darkIn the dark, dark)(所以燃烧吧,扑灭吧,摧毁吧)扩展材料《My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark》发行首周即空降美国iTunes单曲榜冠军,抢占全美热门数字下载歌曲榜第3名、摇滚歌曲榜第8名,同时挺进全美热门单曲榜、另类歌曲榜、流行歌曲榜、成人流行歌曲榜TOP 40。

  除此之外,该歌曲还连任英国摇滚单曲金榜8周冠军,进了英国流行金榜第5名,还曾在2013维多利亚的奥秘内衣秀上由Fall Out Boy与Taylor Swift合唱,震撼全场。

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