(以下只是个人的重点推荐 介绍几个经典的)
蛋堡:十年、《经典》、《少年保护烦恼》、像《收敛水》这样的ap满人(个人很喜欢他的声音):rapperrapper》、《Leaving》、费尼克斯,如《纯好货》:《纵欲》、《world war》等MC良良良:《我不是内种人》、MC光,如《良子月》、《男女都一样》等。《all i have》、《大支 diss》等c block:《fat girl》等hot dog: 《几乎先生》等单小源:《蝙蝠侠怕黑》等天王星:《best friend》等阴3儿:《老师你好》等宋岳庭:《life is stuggle》等 另外一些凌凌散散 《草编戒指》 另外,《生命要还是》(女生版) 推荐你听徐良L、小峰峰等歌曲。
1.I love you, I'm super sweet.
2.Fat like a girl to buy more food for her to eat, eat fat is yours.
3.I can have many kinds of appearance, you can like it or love deeply.
我这个人可以有很多样子 你可以喜欢也可以深爱。
4.If you're mine, you're mine.
5.If you're not happy, go to the supermarket. You'll hear a lot of good news.
6.If I can remember you in the next life, I must have died incompletely.
7.There is no need for words between two hearts in love.
8.Don't maltreat every enthusiastic, not to please any indifference.
9.One flower, one world, one leaf, one pursuit. Sigh after sigh, life is a person.
1花1全球 ,追逐1叶1。1曲1场叹息,1生为1人。
10.Some people can not tell where good, but who can not be replaced.
11.The Sky Is Green, the Wilderness is boundless, the sudden rich psychology is too confused.
12.I love three things in this world: sun, moon and you.
在这个全球 我喜欢三件事:太阳、月亮和你。
A touch of fairy dust, a sprinkle of magic, and a whole lot of grace. That's what makes a true goddess.
She moves with the grace of a swan, the beauty of a rose, and the magic of a fairy. She is an enchantress, a true goddess.
She glides through life like a goddess, radiating beauty, confidence, and grace. She is a queen among mortals.
With her ethereal beauty and otherworldly charm, she is the embodiment of a true fairy queen.
She is a creature of magic and wonder, a being of pure grace and elegance. She is the very essence of a fairy tale princess.