Phonics是 字母拼读法,也有人称为 天然拼音法,是字母与发音之间的对应规则(letter-sound-correspondence)。每个字母与字母组合在单词里都有其对应的发音,学生能够根据其对应的发音来拼读出该单词。如学会ar组合读音,就会很快念出bar, car, dark, park, hard, tart等等单词的读音。84%英文单词都遵照英语发音规则,掌握那一套发音规则,学生就能做到“ 见词能读,听音能写”,那是Phonics最神异的处所。同时,它也是 背单词最有效的办法。Phonics的根本原理就是教给学生一些英语 拼写和读音关系的根本法例,让学生能够看到一个英语单词,就能读出来;或者,想到一个单词,就能根据法例拼写出来。别的,通过进修根本读音法例,学生也能集中进修大量的单词。
英国的小学生从 4-5岁起头进修Phonics,从简单的发音游戏起头,在教师指点下操练把单词拆开成几个音节,再组合在一路,把含有不异音节的词汇放在一路比力进修。 Phonics很合适母语或生活用语是英语的儿童进修英文单词,搀扶帮助敏捷掌握读音和拼写。
寓教于乐的动画片 Alphablocks进修Phonics :
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※consonants with a single sound (b , d , f , j , k , l , m , n , p , r , s , t , v , z)
※consonants with more than one sound, depending on the envoirnment (c , g , h , w)
※consonant blends in which two or more consonants are joined together to make another sound but retain some of each of the original consonant sounds making up the blends (bl , cl , fl , gl , pl , sl , sw, sm, sn, st, sp, sk, br, cr , dr , fr , gr , tr , st , str, spr, scr)
※consonant digraphs in which two consonants are combined and pronounced as one sound (ch, sh, ph, th, gh)
※short vowels (a, e, i, o, u)
※long vowels
(long a=a_e, ai, ay, eigh
long e=e, e_e, ee, ea, ey, y, ie
long i=i, ie, i_e, igh, y, ind, ild
long o=o, o_e, oe, oa, ow, old, ost
long u=u, u_e, ue, ui, ew)
※r-modified vowels (ar, ur=er ir ur wor- ear-, or=or ore our oor oar war- quar)
※vowel diphthongs (oi=oi-, -oy; ou=ou, ow; o=aw, au, al, all; oo)
※all about consonants (k=c,-ck,ch; f=ph; g=-gue,gh; j=-dge,-gy,-ge,gi; n=kn-,-gn; r=wr-; s=c-,sc; w=wh-; Qu; y;z=s; th;sh=ti-,si-,ci-; -tion;-sion; -cial; -cian; -cious; ch=-tch; ng=-ing,-ang,-ung,-ong; -nk=-ink,-ank,-unk,-nx; s=zh=si-; -sion; -sure; -zure; dr-; tr-; -ts; -ds)
※all about vowels (ei=2sounds, ey=2sounds,ea=2sounds, ui=3sounds,uy, are,air, ear,eir,eer,ere,ire,oor,our,ure,u,ove,ugh,augh)
※prefix (re-,pre-,sub-,un-,dis-,auto-,inter-,super-)
※suffix (-ed,-tion,-sion,-able,-ful,-ness,-less,-ment,-ture,-ous)