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石陨石是来自卑气层外的奥秘坠物,带着光辉划过天空,惹人遐想。几乎所有古代文明都留有关于陨石的记载,一些民族和宗教还将陨石视为圣物,比拟之下,我国前人关于陨石的观点则较为客不雅。早在先秦期间,《左传》中就著有:“陨石,星也”。时至北宋,政治家、科学家沈括曾在《梦溪笔谈》中记载了“于宜兴县民许氏园中”坠落的一枚陨石,称“其大如拳,一头微锐,色如铁,重亦如之”。 据悉,每年下降到地球上的陨石有20多吨,数量有两万多块,此中99%以上是石陨石和铁陨石,石铁陨石只占几乎0.3%摆布的比例,换句话说,每年下降到地球上的石铁陨石只要60块摆布,此中有一部门陨落在大海,一部门不克不及被人类发现收藏,还有一部门被保藏在大型博物馆中。物以稀为贵,正因为此,石铁陨石的贸易价值极高,即便是大保藏家,可以保藏到石铁陨石的也百里挑一。

Stone meteorites are mysterious falling objects from the atmosphere, with light across the sky, people daydream. Almost all ancient civilizations have recorded meteorites, and some ethnic groups and religions regard meteorites as sacred objects. In contrast, our ancient people had a relatively objective view of meteorites. As early as the Pre-Qin period, "Zuo Zhuan" written: "Meteorites, also star." During the Northern Song Dynasty, shen Kuo, a statesman and scientist, recorded in His book Mengxi Pen Talk that a meteorite fell "in the Minxu Garden of Yixing County", saying that it was "as big as a fist, with a slight sharp head, its color as iron, and its weight as heavy as it". , down to earth every year more than 20 tons, meteorites number has more than twenty thousand, more than 99% of them are aerolite and iron meteorites, pallasite only accounts for almost 0.3% of proportion, in other words, a year down to the earth's pallasite only about $60, among them are part of the fall in the sea, and part cannot be discovered, and part of the collection in a large museum. Because of this, the commercial value of the stone and iron meteorites is very high. Even the big collectors can collect the stone and iron meteorites very few.


China is the first country in the world to record meteorites. The Book of The Spring and Autumn Annals reads: "It was ten years ago. This extremely rare stone meteorite in this paper: the whole body is dark red, like iron, like stone, like stone, its color is like nature, unique; Sulfur burn marks clearly visible, visible silver - white particles. The outer surface is covered with a black oxide layer, called the molten shell; Many large and small round pits on the surface are called air prints; In addition, there are grooves of various shapes, called melting trenches, and the presence of highly visible melting lines; These are caused by the intense friction and combustion with the atmosphere as they fall. Under a high magnifying glass to observe the meteorite, there are obvious crystalline particles, the entire meteorite melt shell complete, the specific gravity is great, the shape is regular, it is with high artistic appreciation and collection value!


This meteorite weighs 3600g, weak magnetism, it is a rare and complete stone meteorite, the overall shape is excellent, the skin color of meteorite is mainly black. Both sides are relatively smooth, meteorite skin surface appears natural melt flow, the direction of the same small amount of melt groove and numerous melt line trace. Meteorites fall in the direction of the formation of a consistent head and tail orientation. Meteorite skin front has obvious impact (impact) hit small crater, gas imprint is obvious.


In the last ten years, with the increasing popularization of meteorite knowledge, I want to collect more and more, the rare goods can be obtained, the domestic bidding price is sometimes far higher than the international price. Many museums and research institutes around the world are also full of great interest in meteorites, and have been committed to the study of their stars and times, further promoting the economic value of meteorites. At present on meteorite market, each kind of meteorite is sought after, according to meteorite main composition is different, price is different also, the scientific research value of meteorite is high, amount is rare rare, appreciation potential is infinite, be worth to collect. By studying these meteorites, researchers can learn more about the early universe.


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